"It is not the job of the protesters to draft legislation. That’s the job of the nation’s leaders, and if they had been doing it all along there might not be a need for these marches and rallies."
As per Lord Acton , "THE issue which has swept down through the centuries and WILL be fought sooner or later is the PEOPLE versus the banks". Whore career politicians are a problem for the PEOPLE, but THE issue, the big problem the PEOPLE have is the banks.
As per Thomas Jefferson, "I believe banking institutions are more dangerous than standing ARMIES".
Time now for all the U.S. PEOPLE to fight the real problem they have ,
the money-power banks.
The scary part: Issa is wealthy enough to pursue his own agenda. He is not worried about what his constituents think. He doesn't need contributions to fund his campaign. If he succeeds in breaking up the postal service he will be looking at other federal agencies as well. He is a hatchet man.
As a follow-up to our remarks from yesterday in which we pointed out several inaccuracies and falsehoods in your reporting, Ms. Landman, we think it is also worth noting the following:
Apparently, Jack O'Dwyer is so embarrassed by and ashamed of the reasons why he's been denied credentials that he's removed our letter to him, and replaced it with more of his screed. I refer specifically to this URL: http://www.odwyerpr.com/site_images/PRSA-Bill-of-Particulars.pdf
Notice, the URL ends with the wording “PRSA Bill of Particulars,” which refers to the 23-page letter we sent to Mr. O’Dwyer detailing his multiple egregious and unethical acts against PRSA, our members and those associated with our organization, but it now redirects to a February 1995 recap from “O’Dwery’s PR Services Report.”
What kind of transparency is that? He and PRWatch should practice what they preach.
Keith Trivitt
Associate Director, Public Relations
Public Relations Society of America