I just wanted to thank Dave Mahoney, for his part in the WI Capitol Protests Feb - April this year.
Having been around him often as a Capiotl Police officer, (now retired), on the Governor's Detail, I was able to see his style of policing mix well with my own Chief Charles Tubbs, as well as other local leaders in our law enforcement community here in Madison.
Had these particular 'styles' not been there, I think we wouldn't be looking back now at a relatively calm period of WI protest.
I will always be proud to have been a part of that.
Compassion goes a long way.
Thanks Again Dave,
Gina (Ray)
You need to start following the stories about people having a hard time getting the proper ID. There was the 93 year old women who was forced to stand in a long line (no seats) and finally having to go home without the ID. The elderly widow being refused an ID because the name on her birth certificate didn't match her married name. Poor people being charged for ID (and not being told they could get a free ID if they knew to ask). There are too many of these abuses - far more then there were fraudulent voters.
I will check this out. After all oh I know yes Monsanto along with DOW chemical company manufactured Agent Orange, they claim there is no conclusive link and have settled out of court hmmmmmm. If you are not aware of the damage this chemical caused look no further than videos easily found on you tube of the cancers and the chromosomal deformites that are now down to third generation . Our military was exposed, but apparently As both companies claim there is not a correlation. But I am going to try and see if this is true or not Oh yes there was a rainbow of colors purple, check it out
...should be fired if they are a state employee, or forced to return their fee if they are a contractor. "<a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reforms.wi.gov%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0">195 Errors, 32 warning(s)</a>." Add a couple dozen more if you're concerned about accessibility for the visually impaired. And though empty description and keywords tags do not merit error or warning, it is incredibly sloppy. Not to mention the table based design; 2002 called -- they want their website back.
So at a time when the American Society Of Civil Engineers tells us America needs to spend $2.5 trillion to keep America's infrastructure from getting worse, Congressional Republicons and corporate Democrats want to pare $1.2 trillion from the budget with, of course, no thought of infrastructure maintenance and repair. Cretins...
I will check this out. After all oh I know yes Monsanto along with DOW chemical company manufactured Agent Orange, they claim there is no conclusive link and have settled out of court hmmmmmm. If you are not aware of the damage this chemical caused look no further than videos easily found on you tube of the cancers and the chromosomal deformites that are now down to third generation . Our military was exposed, but apparently As both companies claim there is not a correlation. But I am going to try and see if this is true or not Oh yes there was a rainbow of colors purple, check it out