Gee. Once again Rep. Ryan is lyin'. What a shocker. He confuses up with down in his statement, "We are an upwardly mobile society with a lot of income movement between groups". Evidence suggests that the vast majority of that movement is not upward. While up and down are both vertical, the similarity ends there. Kind of like the Orwellian "war is peace" schtick, now up really is down to these people.
When the richest 400 people possess the same amount of wealth as the bottom half of the populace, something's amiss. One very large reason for Europe's higher level of upward mobility is that their constitutions guarantee their citizens' right to form and join unions. When America's union membership rate exceeded 30% we had the highest standard of living in the world and it drove the GOP crazy. They've not gotten any saner since.
I grew up in Madison during a time when the policing model was quite different and both people and property got hurt.
People need to express themselves and citizens need a safe, working community in which to live. Law enforcement and protestors worked together to accomplish this. The passion was as high as any time I can remember but the respect, consideration and cooperation was as evident as the emotions. I was very proud to be a Madisonian.
This is an excellent example of excellent law enforcement leadership. Great job Sheriff (your personnel too!).
The idea the powers that be wanted to violate a court order, and your Re in the (not a palace guard) comments are commendable.
I hope we occupy folks show you the respect you deserve.
See some interviews with the Occupy folks in Wis here (in hd)