Nice gambit. "Tracing the connection?" The Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism (Wisconsin Watch) discloses its support from the Open Society Foundation and other major donors on the front page of its website. The Franklin Center? Now that required some tracing of connections because FC hides information about which foundations, companies, or individuals are major donors at all, and refuses to share that information when requested. What is FC hiding?
In our area its democratics and republicans fighting for restrictions against democrats and republicans that are selling their properties. Mostly former farmers or larg land owners that secretly sell out. The mine company's send in front men to smooth and smooz small town trusting people. Fight for your rights and solict and educated your neighbors.
Puff pieces? You've got to be kidding me. Our investigative reports are intensively researched and well documented, with a heavy reliance on original sources.
Your knee-jerk effort to defend Franklin through such a silly attack is quite revealing.
The fact is that PRWatch discloses its major donors and does not accept any donations from for-profit corporations, while the Franklin Center refuses to disclose its donors. That's a major difference.
Second, Franklin Center's spawn are now getting their pieces picked up as if they were unbiased wire stories, even when there is no reason to treat their pieces in that way.
Third, PRWatch is quite clear about its position of deep skepticism toward corporate funded endeavors, given the long history of corporations buying results and using deceptive PR to mislead people and distort democracy. If you are not concerned about such matters then there's no reason to waste time reasoning with you.