The Senate rules permit guns on the floor but not in the gallery; majority Republicans in the Assembly have proposed allowing concealed guns in the gallery, in meeting rooms, and on the floor, and are scheduled to vote Thursday.
Although their numbers, as a percentage of the whole, are small, this also eliminates them. How do you get a drivers license if you don't have an address? how do you even prove that you are a resident of a State, if your living in a tent out in the woods?
I believe the new Assembly rules ban guns in the gallery, but allow them on the Assembly floor. So spectators will have no way to defend themselves from lawmakers who shoot at them. Kidding, but only sort of.
You're insulted? My, my, my. You should be insulted that Wisconsin even bought such a frivolous law into being. The fact that 13-14 states are even entertaining this trash proves that the USA is no longer deserving of democracy and needs a strong dictator until this right-wing crap is straightened out... permanently!