Thanks for your oversight. Please try to get your articles published in the mainstream media.... CNN, Yahoo, MSN news so more people know this information!!!!
Thank you!!!! The rest of us need you as our voice. Why let our government pass/create health-care "reform" that only reforms more profits for insurance companies? Why aren't there reforms that inspect the profits and practices of medical insurers and prescription drug companies?
Please somehow use the current protests,and utube or twitter to get this heard! Then protest the white house... where the "buck stops here", as Obama once espoused during his campaign.
Thanks for sharing and may you be blessed with help and better health.
Jeffrey Inmelt, Hank Paulson, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, Ben Bernanke, Mayor Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, Barack Obama, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, all of congress. The entire elected government ,war profiteers ,war criminals ,Eric Prince, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney ,Michael Chernoff, Paul Wolfowitz ,Hillary Clinton, George Tenet, Cofer Black, David Petraus, Leon Panetta
Jeffrey Inmelt, Hank Paulson, Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, Ben Bernanke, Mayor Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Bill Clinton, George Herbert Walker Bush, Barack Obama, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, all of congress. The entire elected government ,war profiteers ,war criminals ,Eric Prince, John Ashcroft, Dick Cheney ,Michael Chernoff, Paul Wolfowitz ,Hillary Clinton, George Tenet, Cofer Black, David Petraus, Leon Panetta