where it doesn't have to be all or nothing to do some good. Even if you're hooked on some conveniences afforded you by the banksters, you could still consider moving some money to a local bank or credit union. It all helps the numbers add up.
Hey Michael -- our friends at the new bottom line coalition say they have moved 50 million in one week! Since these are small faith based and housing groups they must have a lot of friends supporting their efforts. Great job NBL -- read more here http://www.newbottomline.com/new_bottom_line_money_movers_pull_nearly_50_million_from_big_banks
I just HAD to comment on this article - it represents a consistent focus on good solid journalism. I speed read through hundreds of articles each day, and few force me to slow down. PR Watch is one of my governors.
Did anyone report on the outcome of this action? I wonder how it can be quantified or qualified a success. There was some turmoil in California, but I haven't heard much since then.
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It was a rather bizarre response. As Farsetta pointed out, the whole question could be easily be avoided by Moore simply disclosing that he has paying clients involved in the issues he writes about.
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