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  • Reply to: Flu with that Burger? ALEC Wants Sick People Serving You Food   13 years 3 months ago
    I cannot believe your country only passed this a few years ago, and not even imposed this in the entire country. What kind of slave drivers are the US Government anyway? Gosh, bailing out corporations, forcing people to pay thousands for education, privatised healthcare and NO PAID SICK LEAVE. Gee, Cuba doesn't sound so bad after all. You have no funds and your unemployment level is at 9%, yet you are able to build a marine base in Australia...for what reason exactly??? I feel sorry for all of the US Citizens, you are trapped. May god help you.
  • Reply to: Meet Kellogg's Sludge Puppet   13 years 3 months ago
    Lisa is exactly right about the EPA being a "captive agency" to the sewer sludge industry. In fact, she's on point with everything she says in her reply. People deserve to know what the food they consume is grown in and 'fertilized' with. It's not too much to ask unless there's something they don't want us to know. Similar to the coal ash issue, the EPA is a slow moving behemoth of an agency that too often relies on outdated information and/or the industry lobbyist propaganda being the end-all informative sources. How can any agency honestly regulate when the industry lobbyists wrote the government regulatory guidelines that their paying clients are supposed to follow? The revolving door between the EPA and big business is notorious and wide. Just because the EPA says it does not make it gospel, if you will, and the day we stop asking 'why' is the day we may as well roll over and die.
  • Reply to: Guns, Farms and Stealth: Armed Raids and Surveillance of Farms and Food Clubs   13 years 3 months ago
    The Food Rights Network received the following question by email: “If you mention the farmers and tell their locations on line, won’t that make them vulnerable to the forces that want to persecute them?” Here is FRN’s response: “You raise an important question. Farmers are more vulnerable than, for example, their customers, for many reasons. The Food Rights Network is very careful not to expose any farmers, but rather to inform readers of issues facing them. All the raids of the farms and food clubs mentioned in this article have been profiled in the mainstream media as well as in alternative media and blogs all over the U.S. and in Canada, with the exception of Manna Storehouse, which has received less mainstream coverage.”
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 3 months ago
    It's my experience that people who keep, carry and advocate guns are fearful as well as hostile. Although it is hard to imagine being afraid to go to church without the security of your gun...maybe Red goes to one of the grand Prosperity Gospel churches, too large to know your fellow congregants and too distant from Christ to inspire good behavior. The victims of law-abiding gun folk are usually their wives and girlfriends. The gun IS about The King and His Castle, and controlling the women.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Voter ID Law Challenged by League of Women Voters   13 years 3 months ago
    I had the privilege of serving over 20 years as a poll worker in Wisconsin until earlier this year when I moved to Florida. In all those years working at various polling sites throughout our community I never experienced one instance of voter fraud - not one! I am also unaware of any voter fraud incidents during that time in the rest of the city/county.
