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  • Reply to: Herman Cain's New Internet Campaign Ad Promotes Smoking   13 years 3 months ago
    I write on theinterpretor blog and have been researching an Australian organisation called the IPA (Institute for Public Affairs) which purports to be an educational institute but is actually a propaganda unit funded by big corporations like Phillip Morris,British Tobacco,Exxon,Monsanto and many more companies campaigning for reducing legislative restrictions on tobacco,carbon emission etc. Much like a subversive ALEC. In this research I came up with the following info after an IPA operative Tim Wilson, ran a campaign on Palm Oil using data from a Consumer Alliance for Global Prosperity publication. Consumer Alliance for Global Prosperity (CAGP) is an “astroturf” front-group formed in August of 2010. They have started a campaign they call "Pulp Wars" which attacks environmental groups and corporations that have agreed to stop sourcing pulp products and palm oil from Indonesia. (See CAGP report titled "Empires of Collusion") The spokesman for CAGP is Andrew Langer, who is the founder and president of the Institute for Liberty (IFL), one of two listed supporters of CAGP. The other supporter is Frontiers of Freedom, a right wing front group funded by Exxon, the Koch brothers, and Phillip Morris. Source: New York Times "Odd Alliance: Business Lobby and Tea Party". Mike Mcintire, March 30, 2011 It appears Phillip Morris Exxon and Koch Brothers have recurring links in front groups trying to destabilise NGOs protecting environmental and social values. It totally fits the normal behaviour of Koch backed front groups to push tobacco. I would guess that Phillip Morris would be a likely Cain contributor. These working partnerships between the more grubby corporations go beyond the borders of the USA. PS. Thank you Source Watch for providing so much data to tease out these links. Keep up the good work at CMD it is valuable for us all wherever we live. Best Regards Jim Scott from the
  • Reply to: Abramoff, Released from Prison, Rebrands Himself as Against Corruption   13 years 3 months ago

    Abramoff is broke and owes an Indian tribe forty million dollars... so naturally he retains his own P.R. firm to orchestrate a 'come-back'.

    Please tell me how other broke and bankrupt Americans may go about retaining this firm for their *own* endeavors. Is this a special agency that serves those without capital, or might Abramoff not be as broke as he likes to declare?

  • Reply to: Rove's Crossroads GPS Attacks Occupy Movement, Elizabeth Warren   13 years 3 months ago
    A free market economy as promoted by the far right is a market rigged for the rich to make them richer. If you are a small investor or have a 401k, you know how badly the current market has done you in. It's the law of the jungle - the survival of the fittest - the fat cats eat the small frys. Elizabeth Warren wants to add just enough regulation to make the market fair, open and transparent with no advantages for the special interests and the fat cats. The founding fathers would agree with Ms Warren especially Thomas Jefferson who warned future generations to watch out for corporate interests and their ability to take control of government - which they have already done. It's time for the small fry to fight back. Elizabeth Warren is the person I want in the Senate to fight for me.
  • Reply to: As Zuccotti Park is Cleared, Congress Moves to Gut Financial Reform   13 years 3 months ago
    Be having an effect. I just got back from holding vigil at one event, and it is very powerful. One idea is for everyone in the USA who supports the movement to put a tent on their front lawn. We are indeed the change we have been waiting for. The Powers that Be can knock down tents, and brandish their bulky weapons against us, but it is not stopping us.
  • Reply to: As Zuccotti Park is Cleared, Congress Moves to Gut Financial Reform   13 years 3 months ago
    wall street continues to waste money passing non-existant money from one awful issue to another & could be PROFITTING from sustainable yield business, local employment, environmental healing growing hemp & marijuana everywhere as substitute for current source of fossil fuel products, [gasoline, non-toxic plastic wrap & containers for food], [toilet] paper, NUCLEAR, hydro, coal energy, parents for baby trees, dirty air, food, water, unemployment, failing economy, environment, social security, health care. Just growing both in our water & land wasting wineries could STOP GLOBAL WARMING & THE NEED FOR WAR, go down in history as the wall street that saved Earth & Inhabitants rather than continuing destruction. Pamela Elizondo Frequent green candidate US congress CA. district 1, [now 2]please show e-mail address if possible
