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  • Reply to: How the Koch-Funded ALEC Works to Deny Voting Rights; Brave New Film Highlights Voter Suppression   13 years 3 months ago
    Some of these revelation makes me want to run and go to another planet. Keep in mind this things have been going on for years. A mixture of religios fervor used as cover up, constitutional appeal used fo support and greed the big, but not the only motivation. The idea is who will have the most power in the future? Well the right wing party created and supported by the wealth of the original families, those who used and abused our natural resources, are still here and they believe in survival of the fittest. If you cannot make it then you will be sacrificed at the altar of our future plans. This decade is a fight between good and good and build up the power around you.
  • Reply to: Rove's Crossroads GPS Attacks Occupy Movement, Elizabeth Warren   13 years 3 months ago
    I have seen the ad. It is showing here in Providence, RI which also covers southeastern Massachusetts. Just the tone of the ad, its stridentness, tells me how distorted it is. Hopefully, this is one attack ad that will backfire.
  • Reply to: Walker Recall Gets Underway with Pajama Parties and Sabotage   13 years 3 months ago
    Good thinking, waterflaws in Denver! Guess those of us who live in Colorado, as do I in Colorado Springs, have plenty of reason to have come up with ideas on how to beat the bastards in their attempt to screw us into slavery via election fraud. On election day, my hope is that someday soon, in every polling place in the country, we who vote will receive a copy of the bllot we've just completed, with a number (connected with no name, of course) imprinted on the top of same. We will then, within seconds, see on a public screen, listed under said number, for whom and what we have justed voted, and automatic tallies included, in order for us and poll watchers, etc. to verify that no votes get changed and/or get wrongfully discouted or uncounted. An ounce of prevention...
  • Reply to: Walker Recall Gets Underway with Pajama Parties and Sabotage   13 years 3 months ago
    Here's a rec.. If and when, please God, Walker is recalled, and a non-Kochsucking group of pols. predominate in the WI State House of Reps. and Senate, how about going for heavy penalty, mandatory sentencing on Class One Felony Election Fraud? We've sure had plenty of 'notice' that the villainaire rulers can and do buyout all their minions, and promises from the villainiares to go 'judge shopping' for one of their 'rule of law in the toilet' minions, get deferred/light sentencing, pay drop in the bucket for them penalties, etc. is more that merely likely - it's probablye. Call me crazy (I'm Milwaukee born, Irish-American, and that's a compliment), but, with a devout, liberty and justice for all jurist for a grandfather, I'm dedicated also to pursuing justice. And to me, election fraud is nothing less than treason, and should be punished accordingly.
  • Reply to: Rove's Crossroads GPS Attacks Occupy Movement, Elizabeth Warren   13 years 3 months ago
    Elizabeth Warren is strong, principled, intelligent, experienced champion of fairness - and I, for one, will do all I can to help put her in the Senate where she can be most effective at helping everyday working Americans.
