Anonymous, I’d like to hear you take that argument to its logical conclusion. You believe that 12,000 calls to EPA is not enough to justify intervention to keep children safe from this product, because some of them were "hysterical mothers." However, as someone who “spent some time in the trenches of toxicology,” you refrain from saying consumption of rat poison is harmless for children.
So, if rat poison is unsafe for children, and if there are ways to reduce the risks for children while killing rats, how many dead or disabled American children would be enough? What number of justifiably hysterical mothers, dead or disabled American children, and grieving American parents would you recommend as the threshold that would justify us taking action to force global corporation Reckitt Benckiser to modify its product to keep this nation's children safe?
I would like to know how many calls you would need to see as something other than "hysterical mothers" before you are concerned. Is there some way in which you can justify any children being poisoned in this manner? Would half the calls stemming from actual exposure be concerning to you? It sure is to me, and I'm certain that "hysterical mothers" (how offensive btw), at least those w/o a basis, don't make up a full 1/2 of those calls. To assert this article has said nothing based on this one point is the real bullshit.
Yes although people like to complain,even "hire" others to come and protest, someone had to
get things in order. Walker is doing a good job.
A good job isn't always one that's liked.
Time will tell and there is evidence already that
this has been the best for Wisconsin.
Take a break complainers-someone has to be the grownup
and get things on track.. Step back- reassess and maybe it will be the best thing that has happened.
Maybe you will look back and Thank someone for seeing the big picture
for the future.
Nothing like sending our children on acid trips. If I remember my science classes correctly, rat poison is one of the main ingredients in acid. And, if I remember my drug classes correctly, acid can cause flashback psychotic "trips" many years into the future. No wonder so many of our children are "whacked out" these days. So it may cost a few cents more to put it in a housing instead of a cheap, flimsy plastic tray with a glued on cellophane cover that causes a vast amount of the product to spill when opened. Also, putting it in a container with openings just large enough for rats and mice to get into will probably save the lives of many pet dogs.
If a half truth = a whole lie, then the corporate-controlled media (and most especially Fox News) broadcasts nothing but lies. So, if truth is what you seek, I expect that you do not consume your news from television networks or their respective websites?