Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pro-Walker Ads, Courtesy of Koch Industries   13 years 2 months ago
    To the poster above, I would truly like to know what Walker "has gotten in order." The only thing he has done is cause people to lose their jobs and ultimately cost us even more money and thanks to his poor math skills he will continue to cost us money. And it will continue. Hence Wisconsin leads the nation in unemployment. The only thing I will look back on is what a huge disaster Walker has been, if this is the future you foresee as being an awe inspiring moment, then I hate to be in your future.
  • Reply to: Pro-Walker Ads, Courtesy of Koch Industries   13 years 2 months ago
    As Governor Scott Walker's TV ads say one thing.... Walker acknowledges his 'reforms' have hurt schools [Capital Times]11/15/2011) WASDA Survey also seems to have a different opinion on the TV ads. Walker said during a radio interview that the recalls of the senators that it was Big-Government Unions giving over 40 million to help with the Senate recalls. He seem to have forgotten to mention that the $40 million figure that he stated was in fact not just a matter of the unions — it was the total spending by all sides, both pro- and anti-Walker, and including the incumbents and the challenging candidates. Does anyone remember any jobs bills that came out of the special jobs session? The one with laser beam focus on jobs?
  • Reply to: Pro-Walker Ads, Courtesy of Koch Industries   13 years 2 months ago
    Considering everything you just said is a talking point, lifted straight from the script, I am going to say that you are a paid troll, and not a very good one at that. How do you sleep at night knowing that everything you stand for is a lie...
  • Reply to: Pro-Walker Ads, Courtesy of Koch Industries   13 years 2 months ago
    Mr. Walker is screwing poor and middle class people for the benefit of the wealthy. Things drastically need to turn around in this state and country or we're going down the tubes. The republicans and their trickle down theories have failed miserably. Republican hero Ronald Reagan would be ashamed of Walker, his policies, and the crazy Bush tax cuts.
  • Reply to: Pro-Walker Ads, Courtesy of Koch Industries   13 years 2 months ago
    "Getting things on track" should not have to mean hurting Wisconsin Families and Students. It should not have to mean sending the Education of our children back to the conditions of the 50's. Giving $200 million + in tax breaks to his corporate sponsors should not be done at the expense of working Wisconsin citizens. Walker and the GOP have done nothing to create jobs,...instead focusing on Guns, issues, and ways to keep themselves in power. In fact,... the state has continued to bleed jobs under his "leadership" and the Concealed Carry laws will put guns on our streets in the hands of poorly trained people. To put it succinctly, are full of it !
