Nyc water supply is already destroyed, It's loaded with phophorus,it has no oxygen, loaded with calcium,this has been going on four years ,it doesn't clean you, it leaves residue on your body and scalp,and bacteria
cleansing products won't activate.
Having retired from the practice of law, I can assure you that insurance company and corporate propaganda which has induced you to believe the lie that it is common to sue insurers and companies without adequate cause was made up to manipulate you to accept, even support "Tort reform." You cannot sue a person who harms you without legal counsel; legal counsel will not take a case that is not winnable, to wit, not a valid cause of action, because aside from ethical rules, they don't get paid unless you win and you won't win.
Remember when states allowed insurers to raise premiums for some doctors' malpractice insurance to $100,000 or more a year, on the basis that they expected a big increase in the number of malpractice cases? Well, the increase never came, but the premiums never went back to their previous level either, did they? Insurers are lying scam artists--but that's just my opinion based on my experience.
The McDonald's coffee case is about as close to an urban legend as one can get. The entire truth is, there was an injury, there was a case, the injured party was royally screwed in favor of the mammoth corporation. Bet you didn't know that, did you? [That's because insurers spent a ton of money spreading the lie that the woman was awarded and collected a bucket of money--along with the falsehood that such judgments can affect your insurance premiums.]
Tort reform, which is essentially complete in every state, consisted of eliminating the possibility of punitive damages--that is, damages beyond the cost of injuries--when the tortfeasor is especially reckless or unconcerned with human cost. The purpose of punitive damages (which have almost never been granted or paid) was to introduce uncertainty into the anticipated cost to a tortfeasor of his recklessness.
Without punitive damages, corporations have been able to return to their previous tactic of calculating the number of deaths and injuries they are likely to cause through recklessness and the expected cost of those people's lives (deaths, particularly, are very, very cheap), as opposed to the cost of improving the safety of their product.
That way, if your kid's snowmobile could have been manufactured for $100 a unit to be enough safer that only half as many people's kids would die or become quadriplegics, Yamaha (this is a real case) can calculate that your kid's life is worth less than upgrading the assembly line, and not make the change.
No risk any more that behavior that "shocks the conscience" may result in a jury awarding enough money in punitive damages to make Yamaha pause and think, "Well, maybe we'd better fix this; who knows what might happen." Corporations win over people, again.
All this article shows is one incident in witch the company was at fault. What about the numerous lawsuits where Americans sue for their own stupidity. Take the case of the woman who sued McDonald's because she spilt her coffe on herself. There are more cases of company's being wrongfully sued for people's lack of common sence then there are cases where the company is actually at fault.