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  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    your forgetting the main argument of the article, that they have given in to Monsanto in their fight against GMO's.. this is an important issue, and shows how smaller corporations are caving in to the Corporate led autocracy we are living under. All you have to do is look at the positions of government office held by Monsanto CEO's and executive's to know the real behind the scene behind WFM's decision in this matter. We look up to corporations such as Whole Foods to 'have our back' on issues like GMO. This decision as well as the current decision by communities like the one I live in here in Boulder, shows how strong Monsanto really is. Next they will make it illegal to grow any crop anywhere, unless it's Monsanto's special blend. (ya. I'm gonna ride that slippery slope....)

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    I shop Whole Foods because they have beautiful produce, both Organic and conventional. Where most supermarkets ignore their produce and have no one on staff, at WF you can always find someone to ask a question and the product is well respected. Overall I find that organic produce is cheaper at WF and there is a better selection. When I try to buy the same products elsewhere including Giant, Safeway, Trader Joe's and even farmers markets, 1. they have very limited organic sections with higher prices, 2. most product isn't well labeled as to the source 3. at G & S, there is no one who can answer questions. When I've tried to get the same quality organic products at these other stores, I've often walked away empty handed because the produce they are selling has been damaged or is spoiled.

    What this article is really about is that WF is trying to cut their losses and the losses for organic farmers. This may not be the most idealistic stance, but it may make good business sense.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    Organic is also expensive because there is less demand in the market foe it. More demand would lower prices. Large scale food production lap makes organic the small portion of the market and therefore expensive. Many years ago when people lived closer to the Earth and naturally, EVERYTHING was organic! Going back to this would greatly assist the Earth, reduce pesticide air, soil and water pollution, save many lives, Yes the poor workers who spray pesticides, several hundred die every year from the hazardous and harsh pesticides and fungicides they spray. This is proven by fact and research on the agri industry.

    What has also been proven by Scientists is that GMO crops are dangerous to ecology. Pests become resistent to the repellants that are grown into the crops (by genetics), this creates Super Pests as the term has been coined, that are resistant to any pesticide, so what is there to eat or kill them? They can be rampid, throwing off ecology. Scary. Would we rather eat food made from Mother Nature or made in a lab?! Common sense go with the way nature intended it!

    Re: animals, it is cruel and inhumane to inject them constantly thru their short life with medicines that then ooze out of them after they have been slaughtered. This has also been proven, the meat industry doesn't want us to know this. Cameras, reporters, etc have been blocked by law. Even Oprah was sued millions for speaking badly about the Meat industry.

    Watch Food, Inc the movie. They uncover a lot. The filmakers who made it and how they expose our food system, would shut down many meat and farming practices if only the Public knew. Most Americans are good willed and caring people toward animals, farmers, etc.

    Anyone who does watch it and understand, would wake up, start to appreciate and love the earth and animals, and eat a whole food diet of all natural and organic, when possible food.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    Whole Foods Market has now officially sold out its customers to what I consider to be POISONED MONSANTO GMO GARBAGE DISGUISED AS "FOOD"...... It is time to stop patronizing the co-conspirators with MONSANTO. PUT THE GMO POISONS MARKET OUT OF BUSINESS. TIME TO VOTE WITH MY WALLET AND WITH MY FEET.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    I think that it's helpful to read the comments at the bottom of the article that provide a different perspective. I have friends who work at Whole Foods and I worked with their corporate offices back in the early 90's, when people had similar complaints about the prices of organic foods. Whole Foods has helped bring the value of eating organic foods to the mainstream population, which helps farmers and smaller local organic markets to exist. In many communities throughout the country where there are no small organic markets, Whole Foods makes such products available and helps to educate the public about the value of organic produce, sustainable fishing, etc. WF is a good company that treats its employees well and provides benefits and career opportunities that local markets simply cannot. I choose to support our local farmers' markets and grocers but also shop at Whole Foods for things that I can't find elsewhere. I also prefer their prepared foods to any other local market. I choose to buy only organic produce for our family and find it easy to identify which foods are organic and which are not (btw, I could not find any organic tomatoes at New Leaf last week). I noted the comment about "top of the barrel" produce that WF pays a premium for (the stuff that looks pretty and doesn't have bruises, is fresher, etc). This is important for many people in addition to the fact that it's organic.
