Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    I agree. It's like asking Guido on the loading docks for fairer terms in the refinancing of your loan.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    Ryan, I appreciate your candid and valid opinion. You bring up some excellent points for us to consider - that is if the 'general public' really wants to know. The information is out there if consumers really want to know, yet in our 'busy' lives - convenience and consistency outweighs everything else.

    Thank you for a well written comment.

  • Reply to: Walker Enlists Karl Rove Protégé to Promote New Protest Policy   13 years 1 month ago
    This is a pattern. People like Webster have been and are being dispatched to various public offices as part of the wave of Republican governors recently elected. In New Mexico a young woman who is also a right wing operative, has been assigned to undermine our public schools.I see this one also spent time in Washington involved with education reform. It is a pattern, it is a movement that has to be taken seriously. These operatives need to be outed at every opportunity. In fact a national clearing house of some sort to identify, track and out them publicly.The American social contract is under the most serious attack ever and these individuals are the field workers and minions of the billionaires funding it.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    I don't understand this article at all. Aside from the grammatical error, what does this actually mean:

    "In exchange for dropping their opposition, WFM has asking for "compensation" to be paid to organic farmers for "any losses related to the contamination of his crop."

    Huh? "Asking"? Asking Monsanto? Oh, yeah, I'm sure good ol' friendly Monsanto will be happy to pay out plenty of compensation, left and right, to all those organic farmers. Uh-huh. And I'm the Pope.

  • Reply to: ACE, Climate Education, and the Issue of Energy Executives   13 years 1 month ago
    Being green isn't bad. Lying and using kids to fit one's agenda is (and possibly getting great funding to fit your business-windturbines). Not showing both sides and using scare tactics is wrong. Not mentioning BP untill called out on it (the oil spill) on your web site speaks volumes. Not once do they tell the kids to recycle and discard Mercury filled CFL bulbs properly-or what to do if they break-(did you know you should shut the ventilation system off,open a window and exit for 15 minutes? Neither do the kids!)they just tell them to use them. What are they doing by the millions to our water/soil now? Let's forget that fact. Lets show a cow farting(methane gas scare) so we can have meatless Mondays. You see if critical thinking is used by the kids-maybe one of them can be the next safe energy inventor. Maybe not even need propaganda to spur business. Lets set the bar high parents and not just accept what programs inform our kids of. I am ALL FOR alternative energy- just don't use my kids with a superficial "cute" program to make your millions. We will just have to see how $ flows from main people to legislators. The web site now is not what it was 2 years ago-but I am sure the agenda is the same. Superfically the program looks great. Some of us require not just the good looks. I applaud the writer and article.
