I have tomatoes available now in Denver. $2/lb for beefsteak. Vine ripe - delicious. Grown hydroponically using organics and synthetics. Pesticide free.
I'll just go paragraph by paragraph in hopes that this goes quickly.
1)I think that putting a name on something implies that there is more concern and thought than not. Regardless, why be so skeptical? As stated, I worked for the company for many years and accrued more experience that many team leaders (department managers). While I am not John Mackey, I was actively involved with the company and part of the reason that, when customers ask a question, I have an answer.
2) I agree. Cross contamination is a big problem. It is also complex. Which is the main reason why I'm disappointed with the length of the article. I'm a bit surprised that you take issue with this.
3) "k" is commonly used to represent 1000. So 15k sqft means 15000 sqft.
Also there is a difference between dropping a lawsuit and dropping opposition. Just as there is a difference between a battle and a fight. And it isn't really at odds. They are still offering the highest quality products. What would be more accurate is that they can't offer some products of the quality you'd like.
4) There are many reasons why Whole Foods is more expensive. Some reasons are: good locations, aesthetically pleasing shopping experience (which is labor intensive), and they actually treat their employees well.
I was interested in learning more about the deal between monsanto and Whole Foods. After some investigation, I ran across these articles that offer more detail and less accusations.
5) Thanks for the link for the article. It is quite long so I'll stick with the quotes you mentioned.
6) Quote 1) This is a paragraph of flourish. I'll agree that the agreement is bad and I don't like it. As the articles that linked above imply, there wasn't much anyone could have done to prevent this.
7) Quote 2) "According to informed sources...", this sounds a lot like Fox News (don't get me started). I'm skeptical that organic companies are "tired of activist pressure, boycotts and petitions". But this, like gossip is too hard to prove. "Several of them have told this to my face" is not much evidence (and has a little bit of a juvenile tone).
8) Quote 3) This quote just states things that might happen. While I agree that they are very undesirable and we should prevent such things from happening, I'll revert back to my battles/fight argument and the links above implying that WF lost unwillingly.
9) You are speculating when you use the word "deliberately". "Cut off funding"?. I bet if you go to your local Whole Foods and ask which charities, organizations, etc they have donated to in the past year, one of them will be to a group that is anti-gmo. Also ask how much they donated. You might find that interesting. I clearly don't know where you live or which WF you go to. I'm betting this on good faith.
I really don't know why you take such issue with me using my name.
I'm really not sure why people come to such harsh conclusions after reading, what looks to me, like yellow journalism. As I said from the beginning, issues like these are complex. If the answers really were that simple, then why aren't they being implemented. If your answer is because "They are friends and only care about money. People have told this to my face.", then my skepticism will be piqued.
What's not to understand? People tend to have short memory. Forget the grammatical error and focus on what really matters! OBAMA APPOINTS MONSANTO'S VICE PRESIDENT AS SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE COMMISSIONER AT THE FDA! What matters is you can kiss organic food good-bye!
I have tomatoes available now in Denver. $2/lb for beefsteak. Vine ripe - delicious. Grown hydroponically using organics and synthetics. Pesticide free.
Wow, good thing I had a spare hour to respond.
I'll just go paragraph by paragraph in hopes that this goes quickly.
1)I think that putting a name on something implies that there is more concern and thought than not. Regardless, why be so skeptical? As stated, I worked for the company for many years and accrued more experience that many team leaders (department managers). While I am not John Mackey, I was actively involved with the company and part of the reason that, when customers ask a question, I have an answer.
2) I agree. Cross contamination is a big problem. It is also complex. Which is the main reason why I'm disappointed with the length of the article. I'm a bit surprised that you take issue with this.
3) "k" is commonly used to represent 1000. So 15k sqft means 15000 sqft.
Also there is a difference between dropping a lawsuit and dropping opposition. Just as there is a difference between a battle and a fight. And it isn't really at odds. They are still offering the highest quality products. What would be more accurate is that they can't offer some products of the quality you'd like.
4) There are many reasons why Whole Foods is more expensive. Some reasons are: good locations, aesthetically pleasing shopping experience (which is labor intensive), and they actually treat their employees well.
I was interested in learning more about the deal between monsanto and Whole Foods. After some investigation, I ran across these articles that offer more detail and less accusations.
5) Thanks for the link for the article. It is quite long so I'll stick with the quotes you mentioned.
6) Quote 1) This is a paragraph of flourish. I'll agree that the agreement is bad and I don't like it. As the articles that linked above imply, there wasn't much anyone could have done to prevent this.
7) Quote 2) "According to informed sources...", this sounds a lot like Fox News (don't get me started). I'm skeptical that organic companies are "tired of activist pressure, boycotts and petitions". But this, like gossip is too hard to prove. "Several of them have told this to my face" is not much evidence (and has a little bit of a juvenile tone).
8) Quote 3) This quote just states things that might happen. While I agree that they are very undesirable and we should prevent such things from happening, I'll revert back to my battles/fight argument and the links above implying that WF lost unwillingly.
9) You are speculating when you use the word "deliberately". "Cut off funding"?. I bet if you go to your local Whole Foods and ask which charities, organizations, etc they have donated to in the past year, one of them will be to a group that is anti-gmo. Also ask how much they donated. You might find that interesting. I clearly don't know where you live or which WF you go to. I'm betting this on good faith.
I really don't know why you take such issue with me using my name.
I'm really not sure why people come to such harsh conclusions after reading, what looks to me, like yellow journalism. As I said from the beginning, issues like these are complex. If the answers really were that simple, then why aren't they being implemented. If your answer is because "They are friends and only care about money. People have told this to my face.", then my skepticism will be piqued.
Thanks for your response.
What's not to understand? People tend to have short memory. Forget the grammatical error and focus on what really matters! OBAMA APPOINTS MONSANTO'S VICE PRESIDENT AS SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE COMMISSIONER AT THE FDA! What matters is you can kiss organic food good-bye!
Your comment about organic being more expensive than the usual is wrong. Read this article that proves organic is not more expensive.