My sister lives in Wisconsin. We grew up in Illinois. So I have lots of family and friends still there. I'm proud of people in Wisconsin. Extremely proud. I will continue providing moral and financial support
This isn't the first time WF has caved on this issue. I love your excuse but it's not valid for me. This is more reason for me to boycott WF. Thanks for the info.
What strikes me most in this story is the concept of actual city police taking money in their off-time, but apparently wearing their PPD uniforms and badges, to engage in work of questionable legality on behalf of a private employer. Is this really legal--for publicly paid officers to be allowed to do private guard duty, and in their regular uniforms? It shouldn't be. But of course, over and over we see that police DO "protect and serve"--whoever has the most money and power in their locality. They protect the status quo. They may also protect a powerless person against another powerless person. But when there is a challenge to power, they are always--always--on the side of the powerful.
Maybe bravery is his strong point, but I always subscribe to the view that 'discretion is the better part of valour' - much better in my view for him to put up a competent spokesperson rather than show himself up as badly as he has done. Even if the spokesperson only utters no-committal drivel, the CEO has at least preserved his own position and not put his head on the block like Mr Hayward has
This isn't the first time WF has caved on this issue. I love your excuse but it's not valid for me. This is more reason for me to boycott WF. Thanks for the info.