well said, Mary, a seemingly obvious observation but actually, at least for me, astutely insightful. And if they make a mistake and accost and/or arrest someone powerful, absolution will follow and no one will be able to trace the incident - like magic!
If a company does not treat it's employees fairly it won't be able to keep them.
If you can't keep a job on your own merits maybe you should work somewhere else.
The sooner the labor unions in America are disbanded the faster our country will rebound.
Unions are for lazy people.
Requiring ID is a great way to deter voter fraud by non citizens and people who vote multiple times.
Isn't it true that a person in the USA needs an ID for just about everything? How do you bank, drive or get monthly services like utilities without an ID?
If Walker was about doing something good for the state, he could stand and be proud and everyone would be supportive. Instead, his actions alone reveal he is less than sincere, his agenda will continue to ruin the lives of those in Wisconsin. The people are not stupid. There is not enough money that can be collected that will change that fact. The people of Wisconsin are not stupid.