A) The correct spelling of "there" as used in your comment is "their". Apparently you hated teachers even when you were back in school.
B) " crappy crap crap"? That's the best you can do to sum up your argument?
C) Check your facts before presenting your argument. Gov Walker appeared before a congressional committee and stated, under oath, that the elimination of collective bargaining in the state actually had no economic impact on the state budget at all"
Yeah, I always liked the way Enron treated its employees.
Unions are formed to protect workers from "the smartest guys in the room."
In this economy, with organizations like the American Legislative Exchange Council, aka ALEC --- CEO's hooking up with Congress over drinks, dinner, and strippers, in Scottsdale to determine policy and write new legislation designed to keep workers down and the elite up I'll vote for the unions, thanks.
And for the far future, when decent jobs paying a living wage scarcely exist out there, why don't you quit and go get a job? Here in my town we've got Phd's slinging hash and waiting table in greasy spoons; and vying for jobs at McDonalds.
People like you are trying their damnedest to destroy the real America.
Planet of the vote suppressors rings louder.
Can you name an election where unqualified voters were bussed in. You wouldn't use any code words would ya?
The laws that prohibit people from registering to vote on election day suppress voter turnout more than any other means of voter suppression. I don't understand why democratic politicians support it. It conflicts massively with the right to vote.
I know the democrats got hammered in Minnesota but that was an anomaly. It really suppresses turnout of people who would vote democratic in national elections.
Gov Walker and the republicans working with him are to be applauded for there efforts and any amount of money he gets from any place to stop the public and union aided greed that is ruining our country and state is awesome . As a tax payer I am sick of supporting teachers (whom say it is all about the kids), state, and any public workers under collective bargaining. What lies. Its all about there greed, and not wanting to pay there fair share as those in the private work force. We have to pay our own retirement , and most of our insurance and then still pay through many taxes of many sorts to cover there pensions , insurances, and they have the nerve to complain about providing a small percentage of there pay to help offset costs. What greed and laziness. Oh yea I know of teaches who have two expensive SUV's, snowmobiles, boat , up north cottage and then told me that because of the laws passed on collective bargaining that they can no longer afford to work and were forced to retire at 55, what a bunch of crappy crap crap.