Recent comments

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   13 years 1 month ago

    I love the gun and think that it is a great way to get the pink ribbon out there! Women have the right to protect themselves and why not feel comfortable and safe doing it. I have lost family members due to breast cancer and I would be proud to carry that gun on my side. What is the difference between a hat, cup, beer mug, or magnet you stick on your car?

  • Reply to: Who'd Pay for Rupert Murdoch's Climate Change Skepticism?   13 years 1 month ago
    I could ask why so called 'experts' in the 1970's were preaching about Global cooling and that we were heading into another ice age. Just google global cooling and you'll see the article on that. Even when I was in school they were saying we were going into another ice age. Now it's global warming? Pleeeeease.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    Sorry Chris Lennox, but your understanding of genetic engineering is way off mark here. GM is an attempt to mess up (and I mean 'mess-up') the genes on the chromosomes present in every cell of an organism by interfering with with them using artificial and very chancy methods. Here is an analogy of the work of a genetic engineer: Imagine a large tree with a thousand sparrows singing in it. You have a blunderbuss or scatter-gun as it is called in the States. Your job is to fire that gun into the tree and try to hit every sparrow you can - in the eye - with each piece of lead shot in the charge from that gun. Well can you imagine the probabilities? Now that is only the tip of the iceberg. The odds for the genetic engineer are far higher because the genes we are talking about are in the millions in each cell, whilst the available 'shot' is minute. It is no wonder that the biggest product of GM interference is surprise.
    Nature's way of producing a sub species (called Hybridization)is to 'allow' possibly compatible gene pairing. But nature is pretty resilient and if a pairing is unsuccessful then the product simply dies. Totally different from Genetic Engineering.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    So we don't know that Monsanto agreed to this do we? anyone?

    I don't see how it really has any bearing, but I do appreciate WF wanting
    to protect and repair the loss of organic growers. I hope their buying policies get my drift?

    We can demand that they declare what they are selling. I think that's the point not boycotting, but helping make better decisions.

  • Reply to: Park City Tragedy Underscores Tragedy of the U.S. Health Care System -- for Both Canadians and Americans   13 years 1 month ago
    It's a national crisis. And there's a push for the internet to be a basic human right! What about good health. Shouldn't that be a basic human right? After all, without good health there won't be humans around to use the internet. Providing people with good health diminishes human suffering and gives so many people a better outlook on life. Do you think someone who is in constant pain really cares about voting or who we elect to office? They don't and we shouldn't expect them to. Welfare and Medicaid are a joke. And I blame us, all of us, as a whole. If we had been doing a better job of caring for each other we wouldn't need the 'system' of entitlement healthcare that we have. Nature evolves, pushing us from behind, and we resist. The more we resist the harder life pushes. When we wise up and learn to quit fighting the evolution of the world the less we will get hurt in the process. We are standing at the edge of a new 'system'. Nature will be in charge, just like it always has been. We of the animate level of development must decide now if we want to advance to the human level or remain a beast.
