Recent comments

  • Reply to: Park City Tragedy Underscores Tragedy of the U.S. Health Care System -- for Both Canadians and Americans   13 years 1 month ago
    As President, I will institute national health care with reciprocity with any nation willing to do so with reasonable limits on "it had to happen here for us to pay for it and vice-versa." Heck, many other countries already offer us free health care as that's how they do it there. Some countries don't even have a way to bill you easily. Imagine that from our hospitals. Visit www.ZombieDisposal.ORG and I'll make it happen.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    The real issue at hand is that the FDA should make a law requiring all food producers and resellers to label the food that is grown with GMO's. We need to start with proper labeling and demanding that our food be label if it was Genetically Modified or not.
    I believe with problems such as obesity and cancer on the uprise, especially in children, it would be another factor to track to see if GMO food sources have a contributing factor.
    Aren't we concerned when developing Nations that have famines and large starvation problems will refuse the GMO grains and seeds that the USA donates to them? They would rather go without than contaminate their own food source, fields, and bodies.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 1 month ago

    imo, the problem is that whole foods is a pseudo heath/natural food store. they are open to rip people off selling conventional foods as "natural" and have even been caught selling conventional as "organic." they sell foods made with hydrogenated oils,artificial sweetener which neither are natural or whole. I have never liked them , dont shop there and will drive past them to go to a local natural food co-op where they actually care about what they sell. so why are people surprised to learn that they are on the side of evil monsanto.i expected it.

  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   13 years 1 month ago

    Wesson oil is what you put on your salad and what S&W people clean their gun with. So they might as well put pink ribbons on their guns. For a real gun you need a Golck or Sturm Ruger. The three baddest dogs in my town are named Ruger.

  • Reply to: Scott Walker's Texas Rangers   13 years 1 month ago
    Daniel, it is obvious that you have not spent too much time around teachers, public or otherwise. It is "their", not "there". Your syntax is lacking in numerous places. But I can see why you have a disdain for teachers. By being educating, people such as yourself would realize how badly they are being exploited by the 1%ers, such as the Koch brothers. Can you imagine how much those twisted brothers are laughing at low- and middle- income people like yourself get used to vote against your own interests. Unions and worker's wages have been going down together for decades. Someday you might notice the connection. Would be ironic if a teacher points it out for you. I'm sure those teachers with SUVs and other goodies are actually figments of your imagination (or the rightwing nutjob that you listen to on the radio).
