Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    oh dear another moronic troll

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    I have done some research on this subject, and in my view, the swing towards
    the engineered crops is the WRONG direction for agriculture choices and plantings. Briefly, the huge ag businesses have pounded the small farmers out of business, and sued those farmers for cross pollination of their vast
    crops. The general public is not very informed on this subject, and should be tuning in to see what decisions are being made FOR them. The public is not given any information about testing of these engineered products.

    Testing should be done on all agriculture products. How else will we know WHAT we are eating? This is also my concern with all the imports from out of the USA that are grown abroad. Where is the testing? Is any being done? As for Whole Foods, I am sorry that they caved. I am also unhappy that Wh. Foods sells frozen veggies imported from China. On the back of those packages, in very small print, it states that the vegetables are from China. I think it is clear that there is no testing done, at all, on those products, and here they are on our shelves. Do you care??? The desire companies have to make a profit has been steamrolling the farmers who DO produce non-GMO crops. Can we find ways to protect our health, and our choices?? How do we assure that the foods that are sold on the market are not GME and totally untested?

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    American consumers are going to have to come to the understanding that until We the People rise up and directly challange the corporations and their political and Wall Street backers we will ALWAYS have problems like this. Their greed knows no boundaries - over growing and not resting the soil has stripped it of valuable minerals and nutrients so much so until we need large amounts of fertilizer to cause plant growth; without it nothing would grow because basically the soil is dead - its sort of like keeping a comatose patient alive with machines; the minute you unplug the patient dies. My father told me years ago to learn how to grow your own food - I think I'm going to have to practice some of the things he showed me when I was a teen. These are not isolated situations. These problems have been created using the helping hands of paid politicians - our so-called representatives in DC - that have passed laws to facilitate the plunder of our way of life; the Occupy Wall Street Movement, 99% Movement and even the original Tea Party Movement started to challenge this kind of crap. Unfortunately the Tea Party got way laid and became defenders of the very people screwing them and us.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    This doesn't surprise me, big corporations can not be trusted! It's all about profits at the end of the day, plus the CEO HAS to get a huge bonus after all, right?!?!?!?!?!?! Make sure to spread this important piece of news....

  • Reply to: S.C. Considers Second ALEC Voting Bill   13 years 4 weeks ago
    In this state, they will keep trying to suppress the minority vote, as they did in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004. I imagine the President would have had an even bigger victory margin if it were not for the minority suppressors.
