Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    WFM never claimed to carry only Organic products. They have a mixture of Conventional, Natural and Organic products. There is a rigorous process by which items are divided up into these 3 categories. WFM is a certified organic grocery store and it's farmers must follow specific regulations in order to be considered organic. If they do not meet these regulations the product cannot be labeled as organic. Their produce is clearly marked as to what is organic versus what is conventional or natural.

  • Reply to: Scott Walker's Texas Rangers   13 years 4 weeks ago
    I tend to think that young GOP politicians/vigilantes like Scott Walker, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Mark Rubio,Scott Brown and others seem to be trying to outdo each other as the most promising conservative GOP VP or Presidential candidate of the future and have their jaundiced eys focused more on the White House than on their the state houses. I hope Walker is recalled and wish that many other states (esp.Florida and Arizona) could recall their governors. A pox on Texas money,ALEC and on the Koch Brothers funding of nasty noveau-rich GOP political candidates!
  • Reply to: One Woman Tackles Walker's Top Lieutenant   13 years 4 weeks ago
    Thank you Lori and all who helped her. We live in Minnesota but have always been proud neighbors of Wisconsin----until Walker and his crew. We need a Lori to take on the sandmining debaucle now. No doubt Walker and his cronies have had a lot to do with the deteriorating concern for the enviornment and the rise of nameless corporate control of huge tracts of land being destroyed in the name of natural gas. It affects us all, bad and good, no matter what state we live in. Kudos Lori, keep going. You are the inspiration we all need.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    Unfortunately, 'losses' are hard to qualify and quantify. Many (like those that support Monsanto) do not believe GMO and associated practices cause 'harm' to other crops or individuals. And if any quantifiable 'harm' does occur, Mansanto et al will try to deny causability. This is a symbolic blow to the organic community, even if it does not immediately change products. Hopefully, losses do not occur and those that might cannot be disproved-

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 4 weeks ago

    Wholefood employed TRollShill
