Whole Foods IS big money. Small businesses break their necks to get on those shelves and can't compete with the likes of Kraft, Frito Lay, Hain Celestial, Unilever, Sara Lee, Dean Foods, Tropicana- these behemoths already own the shelves there. This is just another step in their decay. Looking forward to the uprise of a real competitor. In Chicago they stand, at least on a large grocery level scale, uncontested.
The real question to be answered is why didn't Ms. Burke, knowing that she would be engaging in a very risky activity in the States, purchase insurance to cover her expenses should she be injured? Does she belong to an association which carries insurance for the members?
You are wrong about the number of Canadians coming to the US for health care. When I was at the UNIV. of Michigan, about a third of the patients in their very large medical facility were Canadian. Cities like Buffalo and Rochester would be ghost towns if not for the Canadians filling the hospital beds in those cities.
Dear Mr. President,
Thank you for the speech last night; I was glad that you were brave enough to mention your demands of a vigorous and thorough investigation of the mass and Intentional Fraud perpetrated by the Banks, by the Federal Reserve, and by those "Financiers" on Wall Street. These highly-orchestrated financial CRIMES by those criminals who willfully conducted them, are indeed very serious and, in fact, are directly responsible for this ENTIRE Economic Fiasco.
I, along with countless others, want to urge you, with the most emphatic fortitude possible, to thoroughly investigate ALL involved, to a man, in this totally and willfully collaborated gigantic Scheme to Defraud the very citizens of this, our country, the United States.
But don't stop there!! Each one of the Criminals must then be Indicted, Prosecuted to the fullest extent of THE NEW LAWS, (all of which will be made retroactive) and, finally, actually PUNISHED SEVERELY; Let me be perfectly clear: Each Criminal that is found Guilty in the Courts of Law, whether by a judicious Judge or by a Jury of his/her "peers," shall be held fully accountable for their CRIMES, and penalties will surely entail STIFF terms of imprisonment, along with the lawful SEIZURE of ALL ill-gotten gains.
We all know, for example, that Jamie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, Richard Fuld, Hank Paulson, Timothy Geithner, Alan Greenspan, and an astonishingly dizzying and countless number of all the other CRIMINALS, should be on the TOP of your list for these vigorous investigations. We MUST HOLD each of these Serial PREDATORS/Offenders FULLY ACCOUNTABLE. ALL those who were and still are engaged in these Enormous Crimes of Fraud, Scheme to DeFraud, Elder Abuse, and countless other very serious Felonies, MUST PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES!!!!
Thank you. We will ALL hold your feet to the fire on this issue specifically. PLEASE do NOT let us down!!!
Christina Marlowe
Siince we can't seem to get our greedy governments to stop them, this is not a bad trade off, if they keep their agreement, because they will eventually be forced to pay out to every organic farmer on the planet as their contamination spreads. The next agreement must be they will compensate for all diseases incurred by those eating GM food. Eventually they will go bankrupt, nature will rebel and start over with her own designs.
Question "How can you be sure you are not getting GE seed?"
Sustainable Seed Company: "This is a huge and complicated issue. But here are just a few basics... 1. Sustainable Seed Co. does not sell genetically modified seed. How do we prove that? 2. We signed the safe seed pledge. BUT if you look at that list you see companies that also signed the pledge and are selling Seminis/Monsanto seed. The seed they are selling is NOT GE seed, but they are still selling seed that profits a company who is creating GE seed. So you have to ask yourself if you want to support that? It is a personal decision. See Francis' post below for the list of Seminis/Monsanto dealers. 3. We can only test for GE contamination in varieties that we know of. That is kind of confusing...let me give an example. "Currently", there are no GE beets other than sugar beets. There is a test to look for the genetic markers of the known GE sugar beet. We test for that. Are they experimenting with other beets? We don't know. The table beet industry had to move out of the Willamette Valley in OR, when GE sugar beets started being produced to avoid contamination. Beet pollen can travel 5 miles that we know of. Maybe more? 4. I think the truth is no one really knows just how much of our word has already been polluted by GE crops. We were told they would not contaminate or cross over to other non-GE plants, but they have. Who is out there testing? 5. It is estimated that over 1/2 of heirloom corn has now been contaminated with GE traits. This is why we moved to an isolated valley in the nation's first GE Free County. It is the first line of defense. We now have to test all of our corn seed stock before planting. VERY expensive. We are being polluted on and have to pay the consequences. Where is the justice in that? Who will hold big AG accountable? The Federal judges or the Agriculture Secretary that used to work for them? 6. There isn't a neat and clean answer unfortunately. It is very complex, but we can try to answer your questions here if you have any." from FB
Whole Foods IS big money. Small businesses break their necks to get on those shelves and can't compete with the likes of Kraft, Frito Lay, Hain Celestial, Unilever, Sara Lee, Dean Foods, Tropicana- these behemoths already own the shelves there. This is just another step in their decay. Looking forward to the uprise of a real competitor. In Chicago they stand, at least on a large grocery level scale, uncontested.
Whole Foods has not been "organic" for some time. The term "natural" (which Whole Foods used) does not mean organic.
Siince we can't seem to get our greedy governments to stop them, this is not a bad trade off, if they keep their agreement, because they will eventually be forced to pay out to every organic farmer on the planet as their contamination spreads. The next agreement must be they will compensate for all diseases incurred by those eating GM food. Eventually they will go bankrupt, nature will rebel and start over with her own designs.
Question "How can you be sure you are not getting GE seed?"
Sustainable Seed Company: "This is a huge and complicated issue. But here are just a few basics... 1. Sustainable Seed Co. does not sell genetically modified seed. How do we prove that? 2. We signed the safe seed pledge. BUT if you look at that list you see companies that also signed the pledge and are selling Seminis/Monsanto seed. The seed they are selling is NOT GE seed, but they are still selling seed that profits a company who is creating GE seed. So you have to ask yourself if you want to support that? It is a personal decision. See Francis' post below for the list of Seminis/Monsanto dealers. 3. We can only test for GE contamination in varieties that we know of. That is kind of confusing...let me give an example. "Currently", there are no GE beets other than sugar beets. There is a test to look for the genetic markers of the known GE sugar beet. We test for that. Are they experimenting with other beets? We don't know. The table beet industry had to move out of the Willamette Valley in OR, when GE sugar beets started being produced to avoid contamination. Beet pollen can travel 5 miles that we know of. Maybe more? 4. I think the truth is no one really knows just how much of our word has already been polluted by GE crops. We were told they would not contaminate or cross over to other non-GE plants, but they have. Who is out there testing? 5. It is estimated that over 1/2 of heirloom corn has now been contaminated with GE traits. This is why we moved to an isolated valley in the nation's first GE Free County. It is the first line of defense. We now have to test all of our corn seed stock before planting. VERY expensive. We are being polluted on and have to pay the consequences. Where is the justice in that? Who will hold big AG accountable? The Federal judges or the Agriculture Secretary that used to work for them? 6. There isn't a neat and clean answer unfortunately. It is very complex, but we can try to answer your questions here if you have any." from FB