Obama is a GREAT orator, but his votes, vetoes, signing statements, appointments and actions contradict his eloquent and rousing speeches. NEVER trust what he says; or ANY other official or executive, for that matter.
For you clear-headed progressives out there, caucus for "uncommitted" at your upcoming precinct caucuses. Even though "your" party isn't "offerring" you any other candidates, you don't have to support THIS corporate sham. And, offer a resolution REQUIRING all Democrat candidates and officials follow the party platform. Quit relying on rhetoric and require appropriate substance instead.
Sounds like the Cheney/Rove Administration's ILLEGAL, Republican party, private email system that was used in place of the existing, state of the art, taxpayer funded, LEGALLY required email system. You know, the one where Cheney illegally and "accidentally" lost a bunch of emails; some relating to the Valery Plame case.
Just WHAT kind of "democracy" do all these rich, right-wing, corrupt corporatists have us living in? Are YOU brainwashed, too?
Boycott Whole Foods Markets!
The Whole Foods owner disavowed the new healthcare legislation, sold unsustainable seafood, and now this.
Local Farmer's Markets. That's the ticket.
Very well said!