The sign with the hearts that originally said, "Care about educators like they care for your child" was changed to say... well, what exactly?
I went and looked for a higher resolution of the ad and was able to make out what it says. The sign was changed to say:
"Say No. It's Time. Thanks. We Don't Need Another."
That's kind of strange, isn't it?
I am NOT sure that this True to Vote, and its people know how to do math and rightfully calculate or what...BUT ::
Total Ineligible Signatures 505
Total Signatures for Further Investigation* 703
Total Eligible Signatures based on data available 12,833 vs. 26,180? Look at the analogy on this one.
Um, where are the rest of the records?
<blockquote>...but not sure what the revelation about PR is here."</blockquote>
Whether it's a revelation or timely reminder depends on how much attention you've been paying over the years. In either case it bears repetition lest awareness fade: a large class of people make a very cushy living by polishing turds, to the detriment of the natural world and human society. So there's nothing dumb about this article. There aren't enough like it.
I'm anti-union myself but strongly support local and CSA's. Unios really don't and shouldn't play into this argument.