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  • Reply to: Walker Using Out-of-State Tea Party Group to Indirectly Challenge Recall   12 years 12 months ago
    Brendan, Great Op-ed for progressives, but you ignored the facts. When the Wisconsin recall petitions were submitted, the GAB stated that they would not perform their job of reviewing the petitions to ensure the legal recall requirements were met. The Grandsons of Liberty and We the People of the Republic; both Wisconsin-based groups, obtained the participation of Texas-based True the Vote as well as 17000 citizen volunteers from across the US to review the petition signatures to identify if there were sufficient eligible signatures to meet legal recall requirements. The results indicate that the number of submitted signatures was greatly exaggerated and that the number of eligible signatures in two of the senator recalls and in the governor recall were close enough to the minimum required number so as to deserve a more detailed review. So the pertinent question is: why is the GAB refusing to do its job and refusing to even consider the information being provided to it by a group of volunteer citizens who attempted to do the GAB’s job for them? You also seem to have some deep-seated issue with True the Vote, a non-partisan volunteer citizen group that stands for election integrity. They exposed a voter registration fraud effort in their home Harris County Texas in 2010 as well as trained over 1000 volunteers in the election laws and procedures. These volunteers then served at the polls requested by both democrats and republicans. This service at the polls in turn documented ~ 1000 election irregularities which were turned over to local and state officials for action. They were rewarded for their actions by the allegations you mentioned, but you neglected to tell your readers that the allegations were investigated and found to be baseless. True the Vote has also partnered with Judicial Watch in an election integrity effort to require states to maintain their voter rolls in accordance with federal election legislation. This initiative has given notice to those counties and states that have more registered voters on their rolls than they have eligible voters that they need to clean up their voter rolls as required by federal law. My final question to you Brendan, is why do you attack and misrepresent the facts about volunteer citizens who stand for adherence to the election laws; whether it be Texas or Wisconsin?
  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   12 years 12 months ago
  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   12 years 12 months ago
    The Lord's name in the same sentence with Richard Berman?!?! Not sure who you are, but I agree with you "We all should follow our dreams" unless, of course those dreams are to inflict harm on others. Rick Berman as created the largest web of deceit and greed I have ever heard of. He makes a lot of money in this scam. All of it in the name of a non-profit group, currently named, Center for Consumer Freedom. Please, tell me.. How does what Rick Berman do that provides freedom to consumers? From my viewpoint, Rick Berman creates mis-information about a products or organization, adds a believable spin and then promotes the hell out of it. His reason for existence is to protect wealthy organizations with less than good intentions stay in business. The only thing I can say in his favor is he is very shrewd. When he goes to hell, he will quickly find a way to out Satan so he can rule.
  • Reply to: Profit Motive Underlies Outbreak of Immigration Bills   12 years 12 months ago
    All the blathering, lies, half truths and invalid points in this article seem to forget the main point of the resentful, deserved and needed anger over the truths: 1) Our Constitution contains a law pointing out that the number of refugees and manner of their entering our beloved land are to be handled as spelled out in its pages. Since the beginning of legal entry into the U.S., we have abided by this law, seeing its intent and positive side. 2) Our elected President, who swore to uphold the Constitution, chooses to ignore it and travel his own way. As if he had never read, nor understood the words of far greater and better intentioned men than he. 3) Entering the country illegally in the millions can best be described as an invasion. Armed or not, it is indeed just that. 4) All of the sophistry involved in this article is apparently designed to get people with little or no education to convince themselves that this invasion is right. 5) If there needs to be an invasion of a country around here, it be America invading Mexico and setting that country to rights. (I suggested this to a couple of Senators and Representatives back in the late '60's. Seems they weren't any smarter then than now. Oh, yes. I'm a graduate of the University of Wisconsin (must have missed a lot of the "social" professors. Or maybe they didn't realize I could already think for myself.) Just sayin'.
  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   12 years 12 months ago
    Whether or not he paid his own way through school does not determine if he is a hypocrite. I will assume you are insinuating his father paid for his education therefore he should be eternally grateful? Really, most parents help their children financially when they are starting college. The amount of money varies as some people can't afford to help as much. Rick Berman is a horrible man. He has, however made ample amounts of money. That said, Rick Berman can and should pay for 100% of his son's education. We all know it was "blood money" but to date, he has not been arrested that I am aware of. I was one of the lucky middle-class children. My father went to work every day to take care of our family. I was and still am proud of him. I feel sorry for David Berman because he had such a horrible person as a father. Yes, Rick Berman is rich, but that does not make him a good person. But he is fully capable of paying for his son's education. If I were David, I think I would do anything to get away from home (including college). So please, be kind to this man. He was brave enough to come forward and tell the truth about the horrible things his father has done. I've done some research and can tell you Rick Berman will take money from anyone to create a public unrest. He is well-funded by big industries like, tobacco, alcohol, meat producers and more.
