Recent comments

  • Reply to: America's Inefficient and Ineffective Approach to Border Security   12 years 12 months ago
    You're absolutely right! Besides, it's not expensive just for the government. Their failure to stop illegals, who are incapable of working, from crossing in is the source of losses in our communities. I run a small metal working shop and let me tell you these mexicans are busting my fence and stealing pieces of metal every week! What the hell do they need the metal for anyway? The worst part is that police won't do anything about it. I had an incident where I came outside chasing them away with a gun (I did not shoot - I'm not an idiot) only to get in trouble for caring it outside the house! Can you believe this! Now my only options are to either attempt the <a href="">diy security solutions</a> that I found online or be forced to pay those sharks the professional security companies. They are probably the only ones cashing in on illegals!
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 12 months ago

    Its interesting that in this day and age someone would utter the words take a corporation at their word. Your words ring hollow and I would like to know what branch of Mansanto you work for and as far a labeling is concerned when there is no and I mean no regulations to force anyone to label that their products carry GMO in them your grocery store method falls on deaf ears. Compensation for organic farmers sounds nice on the surface but who is going to compensate the people poisoned by Monsato corn that comprises 60 to 80 percent of feed for animals in the US an who is going to compensate the children we are raising consuming these poisoned animals. Due diligence has nothing to do with writing a company and your views are too naive to me to take seriously. I will continue to support local growers and growing my own garden in hopes that we can someday wake up and get ourselves out of this death trap we are building for ourselves and our children.

  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   12 years 12 months ago
    YOU are responsible for understanding the organizations you donate to. YOU are responsible for understanding that the "The Humane Society of the United States" is not the same, or affiliated with, your locate "Humane Society" in Texas or any other state. The Humane Society of the United States does not sell shelter animals into labs. IMPORTANT - Get it straight - Just because a non-profit/rescue organization has the words "Humane Society" in their name does not mean they are part of "The Humane Society of the United States" -- THEY AREN'T. They are completely separate, unrelated organizations. Do your homework and take Rick Berman's one-man show with a grain of salt! Me-thinks Rick protests just alittle too much (lets say "hidden agenda").
  • Reply to: Walker Using Out-of-State Tea Party Group to Indirectly Challenge Recall   12 years 12 months ago
    True The Vote is an organization interested in honest elections for all registered voters, irregardless of political affiliations.  Seeing a need and stepping up, TTV took on the task of verifying over three million recall signatures in 22 days.  Thru an amazing mouth to mouth network, over 14,000 volunteers were mobilized to verify each page, each signature.  Their objective was verification, not outcome.   TTV, the verify volunteers and those who signed the petitions, are citizens stepping up, getting involved and exercising their rights under The Constitution.
  • Reply to: Walker Using Out-of-State Tea Party Group to Indirectly Challenge Recall   12 years 12 months ago
    I was a poll worker in Harris County, Texas for the 2010 election. During that election I saw: Shelia Jackson Lee campaigning in the voting area. Poll workers showing voters for whom to vote. (actually touching the machine!) A driver for the democrat party, who drove voters to the polling place, attempt to show voters how to vote. This is clearly a violation of the election law in Texas. If there were not poll watchers I am sure that more fraud would have taken place. True The Vote is non-partisan. It has even trained democrat poll watchers. TTV poll watchers have been requested to assist at polling locations supervised by democrat election judges.
