Thanks for posting this. Its always good to be educated on where things are at regarding these GMO crops. It saddens me that it hasn't improved but the truth needs to be brought out so that we can stand up against injustice and against these corporations that seek to neglect the American public in an effort to increase their bank account numbers.
Please visit my blog where I talk about living the organic life and also how you can get good GMO free food <a href=""></a>
Thank you, young people for taking up the crusade to stop the destruction of our democracy. I'm too old to be out there, but would be with you if my body could keep up with my spirit........I'm so angry I could chew horseshoes and spit out nails...... thanks for giving me hope this country won't turn totally fascist. Bless you all.
A bill ([ HB2620]) has been introduced this session in Arizona that would ban the manufacture and sale of infant formula or baby food in containers that have BPA and mandate BPA's replacement with the least toxic alternative.
this is grounds for boycott. How do we find out which other companies, besides Whole Fooods, Stoneyfield and Organic Valley, have participated in the cave in?? And, by the way, how is that GMO labeling law in California doing?
If the Wisconsin Supreme Court had "a 5-4 conservative majority," then the injunction would have a good chance of standing. What the writer means is that the Wisconsin Supreme Court has a 5-4 majority rightwing ideological extremists. They are not conservative by any definition, nor are the legislators who voted in the voter ID law in Wisconsin or any of the other states that are now practicing criminal vote suppression under cover of law.
this is grounds for boycott. How do we find out which other companies, besides Whole Fooods, Stoneyfield and Organic Valley, have participated in the cave in?? And, by the way, how is that GMO labeling law in California doing?