Why doesn't the elections board enforce this if it is a campaign finance law, for everybody regardless of party? Why do Republican constituents support people who do these kinds of things? I mean really covering windows with black plastic, seems really childish. And the redistricting thing is totally mind blowing. Who does this kind of stuff, and then sends Julie Lund out to say how transparent this administation is? Truth telling and openess just doesn't happen with these people.
What Fox apparently forgot is that living wages are an absolute necessity in a capitalist society. If you want to see a capitalist society collapse, impoverish the bulk of the population. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. You want to see a capitalist society prosper, have a broadly distributed level of economic stability and living wages for all workers. That is, actually, how you keep both the fascists and communists at bay.
I don't think this is a new measure taken by large companies it's just one that was fond out.
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