Recent comments

  • Reply to: CMD asks Wisconsin Candidates: What Would You Do About ALEC?   12 years 11 months ago
    While I certainly enjoy the comments made here about ALEC, I find it hard to believe that WMC is never mentioned. ALEC is a powerful and vastly resourced national organization. If we're serious about taking on special interests, let's talk about the authors of the 'Budget Repair Bill' 4 blocks off the Capitol square. Let's talk to the self proclaimed 'voice of business in Wisconsin' and tell them that they are not the only voice that needs to be heard. Making money is not the only thing we care about. Making money is the only endeavor Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce has ever perused. Lest we forget, WMC wrote that bill. They bought and paid for Walker. While it may be easy to misconstrue the opposition of WMC as an attack on 'Job-creators' and small business (the usual GOP mantra), membership in WMC is cost-prohibitive to the real entrepreneurs in our community. While their membership is kept secret, their cash flow suggests corporate sellouts and out of state influence. The candidates need to take a hard line on this issue. Hundreds of thousands of people marched in the streets and Capitol of this state in strong opposition to WMC's ramrod tactics and 'heads we win, tails you loose' mentality. Those citizens will vote for whomsoever caries that fight to the Governor's office. Sure it's risky, but who can resist the magnetic attraction of a bold candidate unwilling to back down in defense of our great state. These people are made heroes. That's Fighting Bob, that's Wisconsin.
  • Reply to: Leaked EPA Memos May Explain Massive Bee Die-Off   12 years 11 months ago


  • Reply to: True the Vote? Or Skew the Vote?   12 years 11 months ago
    I was involved in this project. Do you have any idea of how much work had to be done so quickly? We said that the Scott Walker recall had enough signatures so we did not go back to take a second look at the lines called into question. We entered each piece of data 3 times and the algorithm took the best of the 3 based on the accuracy of the person who entered it and which one had the clearest data. Entering the data is a nightmare because people have really bad writing in many cases. You have brought up some errors, but we entered data from 6 recall elections in a one month time period because your GAB would not do it. We did find some interesting data like 29 of your judges signed the recall petitions, despite the fact that they will have the recall come into their courts. It is amazing that rather than applaud some regular citizens stepping in to do what the government should have done, instead you all want to criticize.
  • Reply to: USDA to Serve Kids More "Pink Slime"   12 years 11 months ago
    So this is another Bush's fault"????????????? If it's being pushed onto the schools today....uhhhhhhhh...who's in charge? Bush?
  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   12 years 11 months ago

    This is pinkwashing at its creepiest. Disgusting! Thanks Anne for highlighting this.
