Your comment is right-on! Think about the last-minute media blitz that deep-sixed allowing other than property taxes to be used to support schools. Think about the unqualified people they've boosted onto the State Supreme court. They constantly attack the provision of social services and demonize those receiving such services. They definitely don't support small businesses - and small businesses are the greatest job-creators in Wisconsin.
BJD wrote:
”...Of course, the shooter is going to try to fabricate a story of attack, but assuming that Trayvon has no record of violence and is otherwise known as a model student, then that story probably wouldn't stand up under scrutiny...”
Unfortunately, in today’s renewed atmosphere of racism and distrust of the “other,” I’m afraid that even if “the story probably won’t stand up under scrutiny,” Zimmerman will probably still get off scott free. If NRA/Tea Party types can get away with carrying (apparently loaded) guns into a public meeting with the President, ANYTHING could happen.
Ignorance and bigotry have no limits - especially if they are reenforced by people and/or organizations that stand to gain by keeping a significant proportion of the population ignorant and bigoted. Apparently at least 25% of all voters STILL believe that Obama isn’t an American citizen - and that he is Moslem.
I wish it were otherwise (and I’m working to make it so), but we seem to be at a major tipping-point in continuing the American constitutional system - including protection of First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment rights. The growth of bigotry and ignorance has been accelerated by use of online “sources,” Fox News, and Big Corporations - who are revelling in their new status as “people” thanks to the evil “People United” Supreme Court decision.
This wouldn't be 1st degree, I don't believe. Premeditation is a necessary element. However he should be tried for 2nd degree which should earn him many years of free hots and flops.