When I saw the 220,000 number for potential voters lacking photo ID's in Wisconsin combined with a claim that the number was comprised of half the black and Hispanic voters and one-quarter of the elderly I decided a simple Fact Check courtesy of calculator and Census Bureau was in order.
Well, according to my calculations, half the black voting populace plus half the Hispanic plus one-quarter of the elderly is well over 600,000!
If you can't get any closer than this I'm afraid the people demanding Voter ID may have an even better argument than they thought.
It has already been determined that the NRA sponsored Castle Doctrine does not apply to this case. This is a very inflammatory article. This was premeditated murder. Now all we have to do is get the district attorney to actually charge Zimmerman with the crime and arrest him.
Zimmerman left his house, with his gun in hand, and followed the kid. That's all the premeditation that's needed. He had thought it through enough to take the gun, and confront someone who was not committing a crime, nor antagonizing anyone. That qualifies as premeditation.