No doubt such a packaging might deter smokers, but I am sure that tobacco companies would fight this packaging as much as they can. Knowing that this new packaging might decrease their revenues, they would surely launch their lawyers in full force to counter this change.
State workers can't strike --esp. the lawyers. It's probably written into the last collective bargaining agreements. So frankly, while I really think the workers should all just join the IWW, a better approach might be staring you in the face: meet silence with silence.\
You have to do the things your bosses directly require you to do. I'd suggest do and say no more until this situation changes. If you're lucky, you'd be able to manage the backlog after the recall.
I have had to fight drug dealers in a white neighborhood that were connected to the state troopers and a former Lancaster cop. I need and demand the stay the fuck away from me curtilage laws. It is not something the NRA and Pa. Attorney General Zimmerman wanted in the 1980-2000. I was and am a liberal pro abortion feminist and I need my guns to protect me from right wing cops and non political drug dealers including Russian mafia, black and white gang members. The idiot in Fla was not using the stand your ground law to protect himself. The teen was killed by a dude who thought that Trayvon did not belong in his community. He was connected with the cops and that is why Trayvon should have been allowed even at 17 to get a license to carry. Black or white moms need to protect their kids from wackos and that can only be done if you are a crack shot.
No doubt such a packaging might deter smokers, but I am sure that tobacco companies would fight this packaging as much as they can. Knowing that this new packaging might decrease their revenues, they would surely launch their lawyers in full force to counter this change.