Recent comments

  • Reply to: Dr. Jill Stein: Green Party Candidate for President   12 years 11 months ago
    Yes, Jill Stein will get my vote. I think she has a holistic and brilliant grasp of all the reforms that need to be made, especially the financial ones. Great, someone who understands what public banks could be, like the Bank of North Dakota, which has survived since the 1930s, and was relatively unscathed by the current recession/depression. Glass-Steagall, a financial transactions tax, kicking Wall Street in the a$$, taking care of the environment and planet, a physician,(unlike the retard Ron Paul), who knows what needs to be done for healthcare, and just about everything I could want in a president, which we haven't had since FDR. Now I think I hear the voice of the 99%. Whether she delivers, or gets elected is up to us. But here is I think what we've been looking for. I was beginning to lose hope of hearing anyone come forth as an alternative to the incumbent president, but here she is, speaking to us. I am not too cynical to hear. Bravo.
  • Reply to: A CMD Special Report on ALEC's Funding and Spending   12 years 11 months ago
    Listen to this interview with Daniel Estulin about Bilderberg and you know why ALEC is doing the bidding for the corporations with the media staying mum on the subject. You'll get the gist within the first ten minutes.
  • Reply to: The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, which Has Promoted the "Stand Your Ground" Gun Law as a "Model" Bill   12 years 11 months ago
    Let us not forget that the K Bros. own many toilet paper companies, which is the kind of product that they excel in. They come in all shades of brown. One of the worst things these brothers do is to worm their way into state legislatures and write the laws for the unctious and lazy people who are supposed to write them. Of course, they do this, and people don't know they're bleeding until they see blood on their shoes. According to Ken Vogel of Politico, one of their more ambitious new projects is setting up a national voter database called Themis to expand their fundraising and mobilising machinery. Vogel says the effort is "unprecedented", and reveals the Kochs determination to develop capabilities reserved for major political parties in the past. Make no mistake: these two are highly intelligent and know exactly what they're doing. They are using their intelligence, money, and power to do evil. Karma will prevail. Themis, my a$$! Themis was the Titan goddess of divine law and order--the traditional rules of conduct first established by the gods. She was also a prophetic goddess who presided over the most ancient oracles, including Delphi. For the Kochs to steal this beautiful concept from the ancient Greeks, and warp it into one of their mysanthropic krony vampire capitalistic ventures is the worst kind of distortion of what is good and holy.
  • Reply to: Federal Court Strikes Down Key Provisions of Walker's Act 10 as Unconstitutional   12 years 11 months ago
    It's curious that so many tea party-motivatived politicians and pundits love to proclaim a devotion to, respect for, and deep understanding of the tenets of the U.S. Constitution, and yet so much of their state legislation is so blatantly unconstitutional that the state and federal court systems have been working overtime overturning their efforts.
  • Reply to: Cantor Quietly Acknowledges Failing to Report ALEC Gift   12 years 11 months ago
    I absolutely detest government corruption. Blagojevich got busted for "pay to play" schemes and was sentenced to 14 years in the pokey. William Jefferson was Louisiana's congressman who got sentenced for 13 years for bribery, which included a freezer full of "cold" hard cash. Chris Dodd got a "Friends of Mozilo" loan at less than market rate. This kind of stuff makes me puke. However, Cantor received a bust of Thomas Jefferson - and you pump it up to sound like he got caught with a freezer full of cash. Cantor is a Virginia congressman; Jefferson lived in Virginia and founded the University of Virginia. The bust is a mass-produced bust that towers a full 16" tall - on the pedestal. Hundreds like it are available on ebay for less than $50! ALEC is fair game for your articles. Why did ALEC report the gift as cash? Good Question. Why did ALEC report a $50 bust as valued at over a thousand dollars? Another good question. But requesting a full blown ethics investigation over a $50 bust is a little over the top. If you "cry wolf!" enough times, pretty soon readers don't believe you.
