Recent comments

  • Reply to: Stress Testing Tim Geithner   12 years 10 months ago
    If anyone questions the Wall Street Protesters movement as to why they are there. This should answer their questions. Instead of the people who invested in BOFA or JP Morgan and “Played the game and lost” ,but took home the profits in the mean time, being the ones who are reaping what they sow. They are keeping what they got and letting us all eat cake. Where are regulators now, that we need them? Oh wait regulation is a bad thing. Maybe I should just be a good sheeple and just bow down and eat the shinola that’s given to me. I won’t be able to shop at the grocery store since all my money is bailing out Europe and Wall Street now. Can I at least get a free vacation for my pounds please?
  • Reply to: First Blackwater, Then Xe, and Now Paravant: Still Armed and Dangerous   12 years 10 months ago

    we will stop killing them when they stop terrorizing us

  • Reply to: Seven Faces of NRA/ALEC-Approved "Stand Your Ground" Law   12 years 10 months ago
    Rebekah - great article and I linked to it today and cited you in an article I published on the Voters Legislative Transparency Project website: Keep up the good work and pressure on ALEC and their corporate members...I see that Coca~Cola gave in today and left ALEC! WTG Progressives!
  • Reply to: The Fracking Frenzy's Impact on Women   12 years 10 months ago
    This article seems more-or-less sound but I have to ask, why link something from Everyone knows it's propaganda, even the people who make it, and I'm seriously questioning CMD's accuracy now that I've noticed that. Sketchy.
  • Reply to: The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, which Has Promoted the "Stand Your Ground" Gun Law as a "Model" Bill   12 years 10 months ago
    Since the hand-gun killing of Trayvon Martin, it has become increasingly obvious that much larger corporate funding and interests have been aiding the small domestic gun lobby, NRA, by infusing pro-weapons, pro-violence, and pre-emptive quasi-legality into the justification psychology of America's general population through the media and legal systems. Although I have not deeply studied ALEC's specific campaign efforts to promulgate pro-gun, and one might argue, pro-violence justification, into the legal systems of our country by a broader array of corporations than just NRA (or its few identified corporate supporters) there has certainly not been any mainstream media interest yet in investigating or reporting on possible linkages between NRA and the major global war weapons makers. After-all, Zimmerman was not a 'neighborhood watch' guy who unleashed a Predator Drone strike or Boeing Cruise Missile pre-emptively on Trayvon because he "looked like trouble". However, the much larger corporations that make 70% of the worlds weapons of war benefit from the societal support of the kind of pre-emptive psychological influence that "stand your ground" laws which ALEC and NRA efforts engender. It is well known that from a business standpoint US military weapons manufacturers account for over 67% of all international weapons sales. This is a market that dwarfs the market for 'civilian' guns in the US or in the whole world by multiple orders of magnitude. This global international nation-state market for overtly military weapons obviously intersects with, and depends upon a level of violence and the threat/fear of violence that also dwarfs that of US privately owned 'civilian' firearms. The Congress of the US is a necessary element of supporting the allowance for the far larger global military weapons sales market, as well as the domestic private/civilian gun sales market --- both of which markets are at least partially driven by the fear or threat of violence, in terms of defending against violence and unleashing violence as a supposed deterrent to violence. The domestic 'gun lobby' seems to have a lobbying impact far greater than would be supportable by either the number of NRA individual members (far less than AARP for example) or by the financial resources of US domestic private gun firms (many of which are only small or moderate size businesses). One has to wonder if there exists some confluence and coincidence of interests (including the market driver of the psychological fear or threat of violence) between the far smaller market players in the US gun market, and the far more financially powerful global weapons corporations (US corporations) which profit from the 67% of global military weapons sales. Liberty, democracy, justice, & equality Over Violent/Vichy Empire, Alan MacDonald Sanford, Maine Occupy Empire sign: “The faces of Empire” Obama = Petain Romney = Hitler What gutlessly voting for 'least worst' leads to!
