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  • Reply to: Cantor Quietly Acknowledges Failing to Report ALEC Gift   12 years 10 months ago
    Hold everyone accountable that breaks the law. The powerless is prosecuted to the fullest extinct of the law.
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   12 years 10 months ago
    Have you read the second amendment, Red? It says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Are you in the militia, Red? Does a militia need to protect you and your home, your place of worship, even your car? The Supreme Court forgot about the first qualifiying part of the second amendment when it allowed vigilantes like you to go forth and wreck mayhem. You have become the evil you fear. Have a nice day.
  • Reply to: Breaking News: Coca-Cola Dumps ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    # of Board of Directors (26) # of Democrats (2 or 7.69%) # of Republicans (24 or 92.31%)
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   12 years 10 months ago
    Obviously there are too many guns. I mean, I like guns and have too many. I give some away, but more are given to me or I inherit them. How to use them? There aren't many places to use them. In my city I can shoot intruders, but they run away, and when the police grab them it's too late and I can't shoot them. We need to be able to use traps to hold the intruders while we find the right gun out of our collection.
  • Reply to: Shocker! FOX asks Tough Questions and Paul Ryan Flubs   12 years 10 months ago
    The Ryan Budget plan. What will be the result of this ill concieved plan? Block grants. In other words, let the states care for their own. The problem with Mr. Ryan's thinking is thus: the states are in even worse economic condition than the nation as a whole. Does your state require additional funding? Oh well, to bad. You are on your own. Good luck with all that. Does your state have more people in need than the grant will cover? Tough. Let 'em go without medical care. Rep. Ryans plan ends the Medicare guarantee by promoting his premium support plan which will actually raise the cost of Medicare throughout the system. This will, due to insufficient vouchers for health care, pass the rising cost onto senior citizens and the middle class, which in turn will force folks to make up the difference out of their own pockets. I guess seniors should have thought about that before getting old, right? Another big plus Ryan spouts on about is his "compressed tax code" which only has two tax brackets, 10% and 25%. How can he do this while not cutting military spending and somehow keeping the budget balanced? Eliminate all spending on the so called safety net. This is nothing more than a David Blaine street magic act. An excuse for conservatives to get rid of Social Security and Medicare. Houdini would be proud. . . . . . but it has no basis in reality. It is an illusion. Can't be done without affecting the most vulnerable people in our society. Seniors and the poor. Rep. Ryan is obviously trying to resurrect his failed plan from last year. A few differently worded phrases. A few more mirrors. A little more smoke. And POOF!!!! The Ryan plan redux. Please. Do all politicians think we we are morons? This stupidity will never make it through the Senate, thank God! ( Fingers crossed! ) I'm sure the Dems will come up with something just as ridiculous as Mr. Ryan's plan. It's all about coming up with stupid plans to get the base all riled up. Time to vote in some independents.
