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  • Reply to: This Is Going to Hurt: What Your Doctor Doesn't Say Can Cost You   12 years 10 months ago
    Bullsh$t. My uncle was a doctor. He never charged people who didnt have the money. Instead, he bartered. Maybe if the patient was a carpenter, they would help my uncle fix up his house. If they were a mechanic, they'd fix his car, a baker, give him some bread. sure doctors offices arent charities but you guys are insane with your prices. 5 minutes for 500$????
  • Reply to: The Fracking Frenzy's Impact on Women   12 years 10 months ago
  • Reply to: The Corporations Bankrolling ALEC, which Has Promoted the "Stand Your Ground" Gun Law as a "Model" Bill   12 years 10 months ago
    I have written numerous articles about the ALEC influence on Gov. Bobby Jindal and the Louisiana Legislature and everything you have said is deadly accurate--and frightening. Jindal--abetted by his compliant legislature--is following the ALEC legislative playbook so closely it almost qualified as plagiarism. There is even a bill pending to allow guns on college campuses. The inmates are running the asylum! Tom Aswell Denham Springs, LA.
  • Reply to: Scalia's Jokes Mask Reality Too Many of Our Leaders Shield Themselves From   12 years 10 months ago
    Wendall, I am a low level worker in a health insurance company struggling with the morality of the industry that I work for. I cannot jump ship just now,jobs with benefits are hard to come by for an older worker like me, but would love to. I hear our management talk about how we are working to offer affordable coverage for everyone, but when I see the rates we charge for individual plans I am horrified. Even the coverage I get as an employee gets more expensive and has fewer and fewer benefits and options every year. I just would like to thank you for the work you do and encourage you to keep up the good work. Thanks from a veteran, former teacher, and hard working citizen who would like to see our system work for all!
  • Reply to: The “99% Spring” Aims to Train 100,000 Activists   12 years 10 months ago
    It's wise to treat this configuration with the suspicion it deserves. "the groups will converge to train young activists to tell the story of what happened to the national economy, learn the history of non-violent direct action, and use that knowledge to take action on campaigns to win change" Who's story might that be? Move-on's involvement makes it hard to believe that this isn't an outreach program that will ultimately benefit our current reigning security apparatus. One of the finer qualities of the Occupy Movement was the fact that no one group successfully co-opted the uprising. A quality that should remain.
