". . . the moral component of taking a human life is out of the equation, the only question is whether it is legally justifiable"
I am most baffled by the fact that many who ascribe to the ALEC agenda sit in the first pew at their churches and carry loaded pistols on the seats of their cars.
I would expect this behavior in Bejing or PyongYang. Soros funded groups like your's, Media Matters, Color of Change, MoveOn.org, CMD and others use intimidation/blackmail to silence support for pro-business groups. Choice in education, elections that don't resemble those in Moscow and legal immigration are things that made this country great, including being innocent until proven guilty (Zimmerman). You commies should be ashamed!
I have only recently become aware of your group “Color of Change”. I intend to conduct a bit of investigation into your group’s goals, methods, funding and contacts in order to determine the nature of it. These points are more important to me than ones politics as there are widely varying political stands, some diametrically opposed to others and this is to be not only accepted but in some cases applauded. In regard to the four ‘principles or characteristics’ enumerated above while there may be a certain amount of variance between differing groups with some of these there must be certain legal, moral, ethical and political constraints observed by all groups who operate in a honest and above board fashion in a civilized society. One would say for instance that blackmail would be unacceptable on legal and moral grounds, while perhaps slanderous or libelous issues would be objectionable on both legal and ethical grounds, etc.
Some groups such as Media Matters for America attempt to coerce sponsors and supporters of groups and entities for political views which they find objectionable, in other words, divergent views or anyone or any entity with a view unlike their own cannot be tolerated and must be silenced . Groups such as these are universally intolerant and have a proclivity towards radical leftist and violent elements in society and brutally repressive and generally failed states wherever they enjoy success.
The reasons for their universal fear of dialog and open, free debate is that they often find themselves defending the indefensible, supporting lies versus obvious truth and basically covering up genocidal programs and governments which they support worldwide.
It is my intention t familiarize myself with groups of this nature and to the best of my ability draw attention to them and basically cleanse them using the light of day and public exposure to allow people to observe their methods and sources of money and information. Also where appropriate it is extremely useful to employ counter boycotts such as those used in the recent Rush Limbaugh/Catholic Choice controversy. These can be very effective as they highlight not just the leanings of the objects of the boycott but also their loyalty and strength of conviction, which many feels goes directly to honesty. This is again extraordinarily important to those in business especially when trying to build a loyal customer base. I am but one person but my voice may be raised as loud as is necessary to help in saving my country and our freedoms and American life style.
I shall look forward to learning about your organization and its personnel, methods, goals and funding etc. and passing this information on to as many interested and involved parties as I can. Thank You, Rich in New Mexico.