Recent comments

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   12 years 10 months ago

    Is this really a fake article. I will never shop at Whole Foods if they did. I guess I need to investigate this More. I hope Not.

  • Reply to: Wendy's is the 6th Firm to Say It is No Longer a Member of ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    The N R A is like the AAA of the gun world. What about exposing their corporate ties?
  • Reply to: Wendy's is the 6th Firm to Say It is No Longer a Member of ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    When we launched ALECexposed, we documented the list of corporations who were then a funder or member of ALEC along with companies that were previously identified as having funded ALEC. Wendy's gave ALEC money in 2011, but did not give money to ALEC in the past 13 weeks for membership this year. Their statement did not indicate precisely when they made that decision or when they previously paid dues to ALEC (that is, when their renewal was due or expected). Companies that are not members of ALEC can still attend ALEC events at the non-member rate, but companies that are not members of ALEC task forces cannot vote on "model" bills. Lisa
  • Reply to: BREAKING: Intuit Out of ALEC; Coke, Kraft, Pepsi, too, while Koch Stands Ground   12 years 10 months ago
    Thanks for the info. I will be sure to boycott Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Quicken, and Quickbooks.
  • Reply to: Fox's Michelle Malkin Goes to Bat for ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    The Unite Against the War on Women Rallys in DC and all 50 states are being held on April 28th, 2012 with the DC event being held between 1-4PM in Upper Senate Park. I am going to be speaking about ALEC to the rally and we are in the process of developing a shopping sheet of corporations that participate with Alex and what those corporations are, and how women can use the power of their purses to stop the funding of candidates who enact ALEC legislation that erodes their voting rights, reproductive rights, equal pay rights, healthcare access, and middle class jobs. As we seek to prepare the shopping sheet we are changing it often because of the corporations dropping out which is good. I think if we can get the word out to women and they will look for alternative products and corporations to buy from if we give out the info which I am planning on doing. We could use all the support we can get to get the word out. Email me if you can help us with information, speakers, printing, anything. Thanks, Logistics lead for DC WOW rally, Jacquie Nantier
