Mr Brian Austin, I commend you on your expireince in law enforcement,I'm greatful that you are bold and have the courage to speak up on what the elite are doing to are couintry, our nation, & accross this world. This post that you have made on public form, is so true and VERY IMPORTANT, that we as a HUMAN RACE, GET IT ! Before it's too late. You are exsposing the elite agenda's plot to have americans kill one another, while they continue to break us financially, impliment these anti amreican laws, they want to dive races, and conquor,basically it's called DEPOPULATION (Kill US All)as you go to mention in your informative posting here.
Brian we need politicians like you man, people who care about people,loves family, love this country, and the freedom it brings. Brian I'm so glad I came accross your posting, and more so, that I actually read it. I understand it, I agree with you, and I certainly get it my friend. I'm going to forward your posting to all my contacts. Also if you get a few mins to respond back to me, I would love to here from you,and possibly discuss omre ways to exspose this demonic inhumaine, cultist assult on our country, and humanity...Aiden !
I wanted to know what you thought of Color of Change rep appearing on The Ed Show on MSNBC pretty much taking credit for ALEC's actions and the corporations pulling out. I sat here in disbelief when I heard him say that Color of Change was the David of David and Goliath. He never made reference you PRWatch or the website I would have been a great opportunity to have done so.
I have followed your progress from when you first compiled, created and promoted knowledge of ALEC several months ago. I watched you on MSNBC. IJust felt it was very disrespectful to you, PRWatch and the Center for Media and Democracy.
I'd like your take on it as I'm planning on contacting MSNBC to complain, as well as Color of Change.
Thans so much for all you've done and continue to do!
Louisiana Governor Jindal is ramming through education reform that gives tax dollars to private and charter schools ie. vouchers, dismantles teacher tenure for K-12 and also eliminates the state from paying the unfunded accured liability for the state's civil service employee and the teacher's retirement systems in the state. In addition, Jindal with full support of the Senate and House with little to no debate is approving the ALEC crafted legislation. If you want to see the affects of ALEC's legislative agenda, take a look at what is happening in Louisiana during the current legislative session. Jindal is using intimidation, retribution, and bullying to make sure he gets his agenda through and signed into law before June 30, 2012 so he can move to the federal level with a record of no tax increases and smaller government. He is truly one piece of work.