Hi Jason,
Thank you for the comment. Like Lisa said we did cover the #F29 protests and were immensely impressed with all of the actions. Here is the link to our piece: https://www.prwatch.org/news/2012/03/11328/occupy-wall-street-outs-alec-corporations
Hi, am I missing it on here, or is there a link to be able to e-mail articles fromt the CMD sites directly from the article (like the Twitter and FB links)? If not, that would be very helpful on all of their project sites! Articles are certainly flying right now, particularly on all things ALEC, and I'd love to be able to fire them off to people from here. Thanks!
No wonder,look who is talking about free speech old trench mouth himself. Hey (BLEEP) HOLE it is because of free speech that you are allowed to spread the lies you do. It is that same free speech that allows us to speakout about a secreat organization that is trying to force laws down our throats that we don't want or need. WHO IS THE NEO-FASCISTS now BILL O.
"Among other things, the "Consumer Choice Motor Vehicle Insurance Act" lowers the minimum amount that insurance companies typically must insure motorists for under state law in auto accidents. Hyped as greater "choice" for consumers in the bill's title, the law can mean lower payouts for insurance companies, yielding higher profits."
Actually, this can be a good choice for someone who also has a Personal Umbrella Policy, typically for $1 million of liability coverage. Also, not sure how lower levels of coverage produce more profits, since the premium is also lower. Less money all around. Your arguments seem muddled to me.