I have all my policies with State Farm, and used the same agent all my life. She hasn't acknowledged my email about ALEC, which is disappointing. I've been researching other companies, and leaning toward Progressive. Anyone know of a resource to check out the track records of companies' political affiliations?
COLOR OF CHANGE is a just bad. I would respect these companies that pull out of ALEC due to beliefs or core values, but to be pressured by threats of an ultra liberal group that does not have OUR best interest in mind is disheartning as an American.
Corrected or not, why should someone who declines to have insurance enjoy the benefits of having insurance? You seem to want everybody to have maximum protection from accidents, yet you criticize companies for wanting to sell more policies. How is that sound public policy? As consumers we all pay higher premiums to cover for the irresponsible motorists who try to get away without insurance. Are you saying they are somehow being abused by the insurance system? That's nonsense.
So you think corporate lobbyists should be voting as equals with elected officials on model bills to change your rights behind closed doors? You've heard of this thing called democracy, right, where representatives are supposed to represent the people?