Recent comments

  • Reply to: ALEC Disbands Task Force Responsible for Stand Your Ground, Voter ID, Prison Privatization, AZ's SB 1070   12 years 10 months ago
    Not mentioned in the article is ALEC's role in limiting public broadband options. The top 5 Internet Service Providers are all ALEC members in elevated positions. Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon and the others already realize oligopoly gross margins in broadband service in excess of 90%. American consumers are paying $40 and more each month for a service that cost the ISP less than $2 to deliver. ALEC is a principal vehicle through which they coordinate their oligopoly and block competitive entry. ALEC has promulgated such model bills as the Fair Competition Act which (Surprise!) is designed to limit competition for the ISP incumbents.
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 10 months ago
    Typical unintelligible, inarticulate, illiterate, brainless right-wing stupidity.
  • Reply to: CMD's Lisa Graves a Finalist for Milwaukee Press Club Award   12 years 10 months ago
    Congratulations, Lisa! Your work is excellent and it's well-deserved!! Keep up the great work. Janis
  • Reply to: Mad Cow USA   12 years 10 months ago

    Except that, back when they were originally claiming it couldn't happen here, Stauber predicted it would, and then the claim would be "okay, it happened here, but we caught it and there's no danger....."

    When "BS fear-mongering" actually comes true, they you need to re-evaluate why you labeled it so.

    When you call it that AFTER it's been proven true, then you're just a jackass.

  • Reply to: ALEC Exposed Brings Koch Bros Exposed Film to Madison!   12 years 10 months ago
    The Koch Brothers are bad news.They go to a place (Wisconsin)and start throwing money to interest groups that are acting as fronts for governor Scott Walker.I think the Koch Brothers are violating tax laws.There is something inherntly wrong when a political system allows a politician (Walker)to approach someone or entity,in this case the Koch Brothers and in short says the majority of citizens in my state want me out of office and I need your financial support just to stay in office. It is a brave new world when rich wealthy interest's can cause some much havoc in a place like Wisconsin and keep someone as inept and dishonest as Walker in office.
