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  • Reply to: Pinkwashing Turns on Itself with Breast Cancer Awareness Gun   12 years 9 months ago

    I feel that the point of the article was missed. The article was meant to make everyone take awareness of the exploitation that companies are doing to the Breast Cancer Awareness program. Companies are using consumerism and greed to sell their products; I wonder how many checks and balances are in place to make sure that these companies actually get some of the procedes to breast cancer research......

  • Reply to: Virginia Firm Sells Gun Targets Resembling Trayvon Martin   12 years 9 months ago
    During the week that the store was being brought to a national level Trayvon's mother applied for the copy write to the phrase, "Justice For Trayvon" and a few other similar slogans. The seller of the target is listed as unidentified but the motivation is the same as his mothers when applying for the copy write. Maybe this was just another family job.
  • Reply to: Scalia's Jokes Mask Reality Too Many of Our Leaders Shield Themselves From   12 years 9 months ago
    I don't see why Scalia should be required to read the thing before passing judgment. After all, our elected officials didn't bother to read it, either, before they hung it around our necks like a rotting albatross.
  • Reply to: State Farm Insurance Claims "No Fault" in Bankrolling ALEC   12 years 9 months ago
    Is the company I work for, which really surprised me. CVS Caremark, which is a Pharmacy Innovation Company, having both retail stores and mail-service pharmacies as well as their Pharmacy Benefit Management side, which is completely insurance claims related, is otherwise a great company who does pay their full corporate tax rate in Fed & State taxes, and firmly believes in giving back to their communities, mostly with childrens health causes, and has installed more Boundless Playgrounds (for differently-abled kids to be able to play too) nationwide than any other company I have heard of. They give money to a lot of different local charities across the US through their corporate grants as well as encouraging their employees to volunteer in their local communities as much as they can. They are what I consider a very ethical corporation, BUT my liberal alarms went off when I saw they were part of ALEC. I have not yet determined what their role is within ALEC, but I want to know more. I wonder if their participation is similar to State Farm with research, or that it enables them to keep an eye on what the health insurance companies are doing / plotting thru ALEC... CVS Caremark has published research studies showing how access to affordable healthcare is vital for keeping Americans healthy and productive members of the workforce, instead of becoming disabled or so ill that they cost all of us more by needing more hospital stays and extensive healthcare that they can't afford either... Which ends up being paid by everyone thru higher costs, medicare & medicaid coverage, etc. This is fully in line with the Affordable Healthcare Act.
  • Reply to: ALEC and the Tobacco Industry   12 years 9 months ago
    ALEC's insidious activities on behalf of the tobacco, pharmaceutical, petro-chemical, insurance and banking industries are intended to do harm to economic, environmental, educational, health and judicial fairness interests of every American. The net reult of their activities is to simply increase their bottom lines without concern for social consequence. For this group to be considered a tax-exempt enterprise is mind-boggling. What they do is mass-market lobbying which should not be protected under our tax laws. Furthermore, legislators who promote ALEC's model bills word for word should be exposed as not representing the best interests of their constituents, but as shills for their corporate bosses. And the reimbursements legislators receive from ALEC for their attendance and that of their families at ALEC conferences in places with palm trees should be subject to income tax and investigated as violations of ethical rules and those concerning gifts to public officials. As an American, I am disgusted by this sale of our government to corporate interests. Of course, all of this is being facilitated by the US Supreme Court in its ludicrously outrageous and shameful Citizens United decision unleashing corporations to do what they wish under the sheep's clothing guise of "freedom of speech". The only way of reversing this dangerous slide down the slippery slope toward changing the Republic into a corporatocracy is to shine a strong light on the activities of ALEC and its sponsors to reveal the true nature of their legislative initiatives, none of which are intended to benefit the average American. The Center for Media and Democracy and groups like Common Cause are to be applauded for leading the way.
