What exactly is so inherently evil about asking to see an id to vote? everyone should have one already, kinda hard to live with no identification, don't you think?
I think I should add that I was a member of the NRA; I'm a hunter and own guns, and worked for a gun dealer, and was raised on venison (year round) I gave them up (NRA) when they started touting assault rifles (they are fun to shoot) as almost a necessity and started their lobbying campaigns in Congress. If I want my dues used for political purposes I will donate it to whom I want, not the NRA's. The only reason now to own an assault rifle is protection from the nuts that do have them.
I don't cower; and I use my own name and address, but you might not want to come by my place unannounced at night.
I'll stick with Field and Stream and Outdoor Life,
A L E C and the right wing apparatus, is the biggest threat to this country since 'THE PLANTATION MASTERS' tried to destroy America for their personal gain. Finally, the people are waking up to the stealth anti democratic war being waged against "WE THE PEOPLE".
These enemies of democracy will now join a long list of losers. Americans, once educated and motivated, have never lost to those that attack them.; NEVER....
In fact, during the recent period while the NRA was the co-corporate Chair of ALEC, they were able to incorporate in the 2,000 or so (805 of them having been leaked) ALEC Model Bills every single thing they ever thought would be fun, including making it illegal for any school or training facility above high school to prevent students from carrying firearms on campus.
AND they invented the bubble which is "Stand and Kill" (only they call it, Stand Your Ground). It consists of endowing a gun carrier with a big, invisible bubble within which he moves around, and the right to kill anyone who purposely or inadvertently steps inside the bubble. In the Martin case, it turned out that even when the attacker breached the bubble by approaching and assaulting the victim, it apparently works--if you can get that close to him, you can kill him and say you were scared.
Flybum, criticizing the out-of-control mob that the NRA has developed into is NOT the same as spitting in God's eye, regardless of what your members think. Be reasonable.
"Forward" is the STATE motto of Wisconsin. Please don't dirty it by calling it Walker's campaign slogan.
We already had a kerfuffle when right-wing reporters at President Obama's Milwaukee stop-over announced to the country that Obama is a union shill--because right under the American flag hung a flag with the word Forward and the number 1848 -- clearly Union 1848.
Except it was the Wisconsin flag, and 1848 was the year Wisconsin gained statehood.
I hope Walker will be gone soon, and we can quit confusing filth with the beautiful state of Wisconsin.