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  • Reply to: Is Campaign Contribution to Walker Payback for Corporate Welfare?   12 years 8 months ago
    You will note that the article discusses the job loss, not the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate can decline as people drop out of the workforce because they are disillusioned, they retire, or they move elsewhere. From the Wisconsin Budget Project (March 22, 2012): "The irony is that . . . there has been little or no increase in net jobs available in the state. As we noted in a recent Budget Project Blog post, Wisconsin actually lost more jobs than it gained in 2011 – and had the largest decline in any state. In fact, in February 2012, Wisconsin had nearly 17,000 fewer jobs than it did a year previously. However, we started that year with an unemployment rate well below the national average, and it has continued to decline slowly – thanks in part to discouraged workers leaving the workforce (often going back to school) and many public sector employees taking early retirement."
  • Reply to: Texas-Based "True the Vote" Gearing Up to Combat "Voter Fraud" in Wisconsin Recall   12 years 8 months ago
    I know Tea Party people, they don't want people to vote. They just want THEIR people to vote. One Tea Party guy I work with actually feels people who can't pass a test shouldn't be allowed to vote. I have heard the same guy feel votes should be according based on the dollars you make. So the billionaire gets to choose a Senator or two? This is RIDICULOUS. I wish EVERYONE would vote. How can you say you love America but essentially spit in the eye of those who DIED trying to protect YOUR right to PROTEST, SPEAK OUT, elect anyone YOU CHOOSE? Liberty it's messy, but I don't want to live in some Rightist Dictorship where billionaires like the Koch Brothers tell the Leader what he should do.
  • Reply to: Will Scott Walker Be Given a Pink Slip, an Orange Jump Suit or a Second Chance?   12 years 8 months ago
    Thank you for an excellent article, Mary. Very helpful to my understanding of the Walker Investigation. All things emerge in time.
  • Reply to: Is Campaign Contribution to Walker Payback for Corporate Welfare?   12 years 8 months ago
    Your article is interesting and provocative, but I believe your unemployment numbers are misleading, something I'm sure you wouldn't want to do, since your mission is to "report on spin and disinformation." Actually, Wisconsin's unemployment rate has declined steadily since the beginning of 2010. See: April 2012 is the most recent date for which data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is available, and the rate was 6.7%, compared to 8.2% for the U.S. as a whole today.
  • Reply to: Koch's Americans for Prosperity Not Supporting Walker in WI Recall?   12 years 8 months ago
    Hudson Patch: "The Americans for Prosperity (AFP) political bus tour group stopped at Lakefront Park at 9 a.m., where they spoke about the Scott Walker recall and to spread news about Wisconsin's budget."
