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  • Reply to: Trained on Koch: Daily Caller Claims Fake Rebuttal of CMD on ALEC Role Promoting "Stand Your Ground" Laws   12 years 7 months ago
    Today, the Daily Caller added a sentence at the end of its article stating: "UPDATE: The Center for Media and Democracy never blamed ALEC for drafting the Florida law, only promoting it after it was passed. However, they did blame the NRA for drafting the law." As CMD has documented previously, the leader of the NRA, took credit for the NRA's Marion Hammer conceiving of the legislation in Florida (a link to that story is in our article above). We also documented how she took the law to ALEC to get it blessed as a model bill (as noted in links in the article above). Hammer herself told people she helped draft the bill, as noted by Media Matters ( ) and contemporaneous news reports mentioned that fact, which was uncontested until recently (see January 2005 news report uploaded to the story). State Senator Simmons has attempted to reconstruct history by claiming that he redrafted portions of the bill after Durrell Peaden brought the bill that the NRA conceived of and helped draft to him. Without documentary evidence of any material substantive differences between the plan initiated by the NRA/Hammer and what was enacted into law after Hammer's intensive lobbying for it, there's nothing more than Simmons' late self-serving claims to rely on in contrast to contemporaneous admissions. The Daily Caller did not respond to our Op-Ed about Koch connections.
  • Reply to: Trained on Koch: Daily Caller Claims Fake Rebuttal of CMD on ALEC Role Promoting "Stand Your Ground" Laws   12 years 7 months ago
    Dear Mr. Stookey: I think you may have a misunderstanding about the difference between the long-standing right of self-defense under what the Castle Doctrine has been before the NRA attempted to rebrand its efforts under the same name. More information is available in the comments here: It's possible someone thought to be an intruder is a confused neighbor or drunk teen who poses no threat to life or limb. A shoot first act questions later approach can leave an unarmed person who has no intent to harm you dead. Juries should be allowed to consider the facts and evidence when someone is shot down.
  • Reply to: Suspicious Minds: Will There Be a Special Session in Wisconsin?   12 years 7 months ago
    on the process. It's not easy. CMD is still concerned.
  • Reply to: Police Raid Anti-Fracking Encampment in Pennsylvania   12 years 7 months ago
    I was surprised and disappointed that there was no mention of Pennsylvania-based Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) in this story ( CELDF has been doing amazing work in helping communities, including Pittsburgh, to pass local zoning ordinances that ban fracking. How come CELDF's efforts were not acknowledged in your story?
  • Reply to: Police Raid Anti-Fracking Encampment in Pennsylvania   12 years 7 months ago
    This happened to me up in Leadville, Colorado. A water District from Colorado Springs, Donala Water, bought the water rights above my land and tore my land up to access their water. My family protested so we eventually arrested and taken to jail, my horses were taken and killed. The local sheriff used animal abuse charges as the reason for our arrest and the death of my horses. We were told to never go back to the property or we would he arrested again. Donala Water built a road through my property. The animal abuse charges were dropped after my horses were killed and the road was completed.
