First- there shouldn't have been a recall vote in the first place.
Second- the Dems complain about the Tea Party, but say nothing about the
Union involement.
Third- Never did hear the Main St. media mention that Walker had gotten
Wi. out of the bad debt that the state was in.
Fourth- How about the chicken livered Dems that went and hid in another
state instead of doing what the were elected for, they should all
have been recalled.
Fifth- The people voted and they like what Gov. Walker was doing for Wi.
Sixth- Sometimes it takes alot of money to over come the lies that were
being spread about Gov. Walker.
Seventh- Thank God the good folks win every now and then. Walkers win
was good over evil.
Once again the "framework" of the question determines the outcome of the response and reply. The methodology is not simply about money and the capacity to "Out" or out-do anything. The essential consideration here is that big money has a sales market mentality and the consumer has a conditioned reflex to this "institutionalized" (as in mental health...) behavior modification that is lock-stepping and straight-jacketing conditioned responses to various stimuli from fear to reinforced membership.
What is unacceptable is the fact that professional media (in lock step with advertizement practices) must be well aware of these techniques and do not point out the practices to less educated community members.
More than this consideration, and here I call upon Mary to pay attention, the techniques that I witnessed on TV were identical to standard practices utilized by Union-Busting contractors. The documentaries produced by these sleezebags are identical to the "infomercial" style commercials that were run with cliche' soundbites in redundant confirmation of a decisive conviction without thought or substantiated evidence. Peer decision making for the herd.
Check it out on-line (Youube)under union busting, and you will find that these are formula tactics that work over and again...because unions don't communicate with each other...and divide and conquer is the Mode of Operation directly stated by the Big Money pros. Whatever happened to the counter-argument for the Union?
UNITED WE STAND! DIVIDED WE FALL ! WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO WAKE UP AND SEE THE WRITING ON THE WALL? It is not so much the money as much as the same techniques that utilize behavior modification and conditioning techniques to drive the irrational rut and collar response of a consumer and market dependent social insecurity. Propaganda and brain washing are old school compared to sound bites and conditioned reflexes of a market driven society in mental uncertainty!
In response to anonymous, they could pass a constitutional amendment in June 2012, possibly again in January 2013 if they win another Senate seat, and have it ready for a ballot in short order. This does not seem far fetched at to me.
All is WOW, I now know that people like you really exist - I suppose that you also belong to the "Flat Earth Society" right - and feel that all those millions of people an scientists that believe the earth is round are just lieing to you right? I feel sorry for pure idiots like you, the Heartland group, Walker (the Koch whore) and all those others that believe that global warming is just propoganda. Best thing to do for idiots like you is to get yoruself neutered so that you do not spread your idiot genes to the next generation.
Same with changing the right of recall, since it's in the Constitution - passing two consecutive sessions and then getting put on the ballot. It's not unlikely that they'll try something, but if they actually follow how things are supposed to work, they can't do much.