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  • Reply to: Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country   12 years 7 months ago
    West Virginia now requires proof of name changes throughout your life to renew your drivers license. This means you have to provide a certified copy of every marriage license to show all name changes. Isn't this information already available using ones SS#. If they have the ability to verify this information, providing certified copies seems unnecessary.
  • Reply to: STUDY: Right Wing Spins Media with "Job-Killer" Claims   12 years 7 months ago
    That's funny RWNJs are always claiming that those sources cited are "liberal media".
  • Reply to: Dude, You're Getting Dumped: Dell Computers is 20th Corporation to Dump ALEC   12 years 7 months ago
    Nice to see progress being made. However, I had to chuckle at the notion of our sending this message to Koch Industries: "Why would you want to cozy up behind closed doors with the Koch Brothers..." I doubt that the message will carry weight with these guys.
  • Reply to: GOP Fights for Control of WI Senate, Calling for Recount and Hyping Voter Fraud Allegations   12 years 7 months ago
    Let me get this right. These are the same dirty players who were telling people that if they already signed the recall petition that there was no need for them to vote. The same ones who tied up phone lines to their opponents election headquarters. The same people who were telling their employees they had to vote for Walker or they would have problems. Yes, this was a dirty campaign and there probably was voter fraud, on the part of the Walker campaign, ALEC and the Koch brothers among others.
  • Reply to: CMD Asks Elections Board to Investigate Tea Party Group Supporting Walker   12 years 7 months ago
    First- Whether or not you feel that is should or should not be a recall does not negate the fact that there IS a constitutional reason and right for recalls. Second- the Democrats are complaining of breaches within campaign law, not the tea Party involvement. It is that Tea Party is breaking the law. If Unions break the law they should be held accoutable as well. Thirds- Wisconsin is not out of debt and most people did see an increase in property tax accompanied by loss of municiple services and a significant number saw higher insurance costs. Fourth - Democrats left the State to foster a democratic debate as Republicans attempted to force through a bill without any significant public input. Again, also legal. Fifth- only half of Wisconsin likes what Walker is doing. He won the election, not hearts and minds. Sixth - It took a record setting millions of dollars for Walker to even compete for election. Barrett had a fraction of the money and was able to poll evenly. Check your facts. Walker and his buddies spent millions of dollars on half truthes. Seventh - Walkers was a reflection of outside interests looking to indifferently take advantage of Wisconsin's resources and working families. It was about those ignorant individual voters being sucked into the hypocrisy of the struggling working class being forced to pay more taxes, getting fewer public services and get paid less from the same greedy entities that are making millions while at the same time getting million dollar tax breaks with no acoutability for job creation. If you are the 1% you should be supporting Walker; I get that. If you are a working class family you should know that the economic advisor to Reagan that invented the "trickle down" economic fiction recanted his support for the policy that does not work, has never worked and will never work. You must be a complete working class idiot to support a economic policy where the poorest pay the most while the wealthiest pay the least and have no responbility to their fellow Americans. Where are the well-paying, family sustaining jobs? Even if he does create his promised amount of jobs, which he won't and can't reasonably be able to, the jobs are already low paying or re-located from other places in the State. Further, who is going to be able to afford the education for the expertise and technical skills to do the few high paying jobs that are being created after the drastic cuts to education. Obviously after reading the previous post there is a significant need for independent and discerning thought. Unfortunately, Wisconsin is heading down a path of self destruction that comes with the indentured servitude to corporations and decline of educated individuals.
